Network Analyzers - Keysight
Every Keysight vector network analyzer is the ultimate expression of our expertise in linear and nonlinear device characterization. On the bench, in a rack or in the field, we can help you gain deeper confidence with Keysight VNA analyzers.
矢量网络分析仪(VNA)基础解析与应用指南 - 知乎
矢量网络分析仪(vna)是一种极其精密的仪器,能够对电气网络的阻抗进行表征,测量结果可提供幅度和相位细节,从而深入了解其行为。 被测设备(DUT)通常用于射频(RF)应用,涉及了解单个元件、电缆、天线、滤波器…
R&S®ZNL vector network analyzer - Rohde & Schwarz
Benchtop VNA with a small footprint. The R&S ® ZNL combines a vector network analyzer, a spectrum analyzer and a power meter in a single, compact box. The all-in-one instrument is ideal for development, production and service environments with …
Comparing VNA Performance and Price - Microwaves & RF
2017年8月1日 · When performance is essential, the choice will undoubtedly be a benchtop VNA. But for general-purpose VNA measurements, especially where cost is a concern, starting the selection process from the growing choice of commercial USB VNAs can provide significant savings without significant sacrifice in performance.
On the bench, in a rack or in the field, we can help you gain deeper confidence. Keysight offers a variety of vector network analyzers with frequency, performance, and versatility to meet your measurement needs.
PXI Vector Network Analyzers - Keysight
Get scalable, multiport vector network analysis in less space. Our PXI vector network analyzers (VNAs) perform fast, accurate measurements and reduce your cost-of-test. Simultaneously characterize many devices — two-port or multiport — using a single PXI chassis.
How do you Choose the Best Vector Network Analyzer?
2024年11月4日 · A USB VNA is the obvious choice for security and simplicity. Analytical functions such as Time Domain analysis, Time Domain gating, embedding, and de-embedding are often not included with the VNA software and are only available after a significant upcharge. CMT provides these at no extra charge on all VNA models except the lower-cost M model ...
Your Test Bench Needs a VNA - Electronic Design
2011年8月1日 · The vector network analyzer (VNA) has always been used on the design bench due to its accuracy and flexibility, but to meet these requirements now is included in most...
T5000 Series Bench-top Vector Network Analyzer offers the high RF performance, wide frequency range and versatile functions. The T5000 Series VNA is the economic solution for manufacturing and R&D engineers evaluating RF components and circuits for frequency range up to 8GHz. Overview Key Facts Innovative Features & Benefits
T3VNA3200 Teledyne LeCroy | Test and Measurement | DigiKey
T3VNA3200 – 9kHz ~ 3.2GHz Bench Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) -161dBm Hold, Max, Min, Ave, USB Port from Teledyne LeCroy. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.