Bengbu - Wikipedia
Bengbu (Chinese: 蚌埠; pinyin: Bèngbù; Wade–Giles: Peng-pu) is a city in northern Anhui Province, China. Its population was 3,296,408 registered residents at the 2020 census. 1,968,027 lived in the built-up area made of four Bengbu urban districts and Fengyang County in Chuzhou Prefecture, largely being conurbated.
蚌埠市,别称珠城,安徽省辖地级市,地处安徽省东北部,淮河中游,位于中国南北地理分界线秦岭—淮河一线,黄淮海平原与江淮丘陵的过渡地带,属北亚热带湿润季风气候与南温带半湿润季风气候区的过渡带,总面积5951平方千米。截至2023年3月,蚌埠市下辖4个区、3个县。2024年 …
蚌埠市 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
蚌埠 ( Bèŋbù ) 市 [註 1] ,简称蚌,舊作蜯埠、蜯埔,别名珠城,是中华人民共和国 安徽省下辖的地级市、安徽省重要枢纽城市、皖北地区的商贸中心、加工制造业中心与邮电通讯指挥调度中心。 蚌埠位于华北平原南端京沪铁路和淮南铁路的交汇点,淮河穿城而过,临近凤阳、宿州。
Bengbu Travel Guide: Attractions, History, Weather Forecast
2024年7月22日 · The Flower-Drum Dance, the most representative folk dance of Han nationality, enjoys the fame as the Oriental Ballet. And Bengbu Port, the largest port in the Huaihe River, is located here. The picturesque Longzi Lake and magical White Milk Spring are the most noteworthy scenic spots in Bengbu.
新华社播发七连评,这样阐释中国经济新春新气象 02-28; 在广阔舞台上大显身手(评论员观察) 02-28 首批13家外资企业获增值电信业务经营试点批复 02-28; 稳中求进每月看丨抢抓先机 奋勇向前——2月全国各地经济社会发展观察 02-28; 市政府党组召开2024年度民主生活会 02-28; 市人大常委会党组召开2024 ...
蚌埠市 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
2025年3月1日 · 蚌埠地區歷史最早可追溯至距今約3萬年左右的五河西尤遺址。夏代,現蚌埠西和懷遠縣屬塗山氏國,市區東部屬鍾離國。 [19]今蚌埠地域曾為淮夷族聚居區。傳說大禹治水南下淮泗,在塗山娶塗山氏女為妻,並生啟 [20] 。 位於塗山腳下禹會村的禹墟遺址,兼具黃河中下游和長江下游文化特徵,表明 ...
Bengbu Independent Travel Guide (2025): Top Things to Do Near …
Eager to explore Bengbu but not sure where to start? Trip.com's comprehensive guide is here to help you discover Bengbu. Find nearby restaurants, attractions, and entertainment with detailed info and accurate locations. Plus, get real-time traffic updates, weather forecasts, and user reviews to plan an easy and enriching travel experience!
安徽蚌埠是一个怎样的城市? - 知乎
蚌埠地理位置示意图。图/Paprika. 蚌埠,注定不寻常。 —1—淮河,喜怒无常的母亲. 这座现在被戏称为“珍珠港Pearl Harbor”的城市,自古就是官方正史盖章的“采珠之地”,这份浪漫和平静,是淮河的馈赠。
走进蚌埠_蚌埠市人民政府 - bengbu.gov.cn
蚌埠市人民政府网站走进蚌埠栏目主要发布蚌埠历史、政治、经济、文化、科技等方面信息,展示蚌埠市风土人情、自然地理 ...
Bengbu | Ancient City, Yellow River, Huai River | Britannica
Bengbu, city, north-central Anhui sheng (province), China. The area is mentioned in the early 1st millennium bce in connection with myths surrounding the cultural hero Emperor Yu. Throughout most of Chinese history, however, it was only a small market town and port on the middle course of the Huai River .