Is northern Benin at risk of violent extremist spillover?
As significant drivers for spillover are existing communal problems and violence, the key question is whether communal violence around land, pastoralism, and management of the parks is currently exploited by violent extremist organisations (VEOs) in Benin. This chapter makes three main observations.
Introduction | Conflict in the Penta-Border Area
There are generally two explanations for the surge of activity in Benin. One explanation is pent-up tensions in Northern Benin’s villages. In this understanding, the entry of VEOs is facilitated by pull factors such as local tensions which they strategically exploit.
Northern Benin and risk of violent extremist spillover
2021年6月10日 · What are the main drivers of communal violence in Benin, do extremist exploit them & what can be done to limit the threat? This report explores the risk of extremist violence spilling over into northern Benin from the Sahel.
Hostage to violent extremism: Kidnappingin northern Benin
2024年3月7日 · Kidnappings in northern Benin surged in 2022 as violent extremist organisations (VEOs) intensified their southwards spread from the Sahel. By the end of November 2023, northern Benin had experienced at least 101 kidnapping (or attempted kidnapping) incidents since 2019, with the figure for 2023 alone (75) more than three times higher than that ...
Free GIS Maps of Benin - Resources | Simplemaps.com
We've created multiple GIS maps for the country of Benin. Below is visualization of the GIS border data we have for Benin. Features include: Simplified to load quickly with minimal loss of detail (136.2 KB .json file). First-level administrative regions identified by name and id in the source code. All files use WGS84 projection.
Map of Benin - Aspose
Map of Benin contains actual borders of Benin and its regions on the World Map, main cities with names in English and local language, and transport net all over it. Our map has a tiled structure; tiles are loaded when interacting with the map.
Maps of Benin - Worldometer
Physical, Political, Road, Locator Maps of Benin. Map location, cities, zoomable maps and full size large maps.
Benin Map | Detailed Maps of Republic of Benin - World Maps
2023年10月16日 · Area: 44,310 sq mi (114,763 sq km). Population: ~ 12,000,000. Largest Cities: Cotonou, Porto-Novo, Parakou, Godomey, Abomey-Calavi, Djougou, Bohicon, Ekpè, Abomey, Nikki. Official language: French. Currency: West African CFA franc (XOF).
15 distinct villages across Northern Benin are regularly visited by VEOs. This policy brief considers how the contest for Northern Benin has progressed over the past two years relying on data from a consortium led by the Clingendael Institute and shared with ACLED.
Benin - Map - Mapcarta
Benin is a country in West Africa. You'll find culture through a large collection of palatial ruins and temples of the once powerful Kingdom of Dahomey.