Benro MoveOver8B Carbon Fiber Slider & Case 23.6 in/60 cm
The Benro MoveOver8B is a lightweight portable camera slider that allows you to achieve cinematic camera movements up to 23.6" (60 cm) of actual camera travel with ease. Supporting up to 17.6 lb (8kg), the slider carriage glides along two 15-layer 18mm carbon fiber rails for smooth and quiet operation.
Amazon.com : Benro MoveOver8B Carbon Fiber Slider and Case, …
2017年8月28日 · Benro MoveOver8B Carbon Fiber Slider and Case, Camera Moves Up to 23.6", 17.6 lb. Load Capacity- Black (C08D6B) Carbon Fiber Rails - Ideal for strength and lightweight support, the MoveOver8B includes two 100% 15-layer 18mm carbon fiber rails.
Benro MoveOver8B Carbon Fiber Slider with Case (23.6") - B&H Photo …
This Benro MoveOver8B Carbon Fiber Slider with Case includes an aluminum slider carriage that runs on carbon fiber rails with 23.6" of actual carriage travel, and a soft carry case. The carriage features a flat mounting surface with a 3/8"-16 threaded mounting stud for mounting your flat base fluid head, and it features pre-tensioned roller ...
Benro MoveOver8 Dual Carbon Rail Slider - 600mm (C08D6)
2015年4月10日 · The Benro MoveOver8 is an advanced portable camera slider that allows you to achieve cinematic camera movements up to 23.6" (600mm version) and 35.4" (900mm version) of actual camera travel with ease. Supporting up to 17.6 lb. (8kg), the slider carriage glides along two carbon fiber rails for smooth and quiet operation.
- 评论数: 4
BENRO 百諾 Move Over 碳纖維滑軌 C08D6B - PChome 24h購物
BENRO 百諾 Move Over 碳纖維滑軌 C08D6B - BENRO 攝影腳架, 採用高強度純碳纖維材料 重量1.42kg 收納後高度8公分 360度全景拍攝 穩定性強 多功能, 找BENRO 百諾 Move Over 碳纖維滑軌 C08D6B推薦就來PChome 24h購物,多元支付,超值,優惠,可靠迅速,您的網路購物的首選
【BENRO百諾】Move Over 碳纖維滑軌 C08D6B - 勝興科技
【BENRO百諾】Move Over 碳纖維滑軌 C08D6B: 採用高強度純碳纖維材料 重量1.42kg 收納後高度8公分 360度全景拍攝 穩定性強 多功能
Benro 百諾 MoveOver8 C08D6 600mm 碳纖維攝錄路軌 - Yingkee …
Benro 百諾 MoveOver8 C08D6 600mm 碳纖維攝錄路軌軸承採用4粒由高品質不銹鋼製造。 管道採用輕更上乘的多層碳纖維,大大提升軌道的穩定性,不易受長期使用而變型。
Benro MoveOver8 23.6" Dual Carbon Rail Slider - B&H Photo Video
The Benro MoveOver8 23.6" Dual Carbon Rail Slider from Benro boosts the production value of your videos by adding cinematic, linear movements with loads weighing up to 17.6 pounds. The carriage features four bearings that allow it to glide across a pair of 18mm carbon fiber rails for smooth and quiet operation.
Benro C08D6B MoveOver8B Carbon Fiber Slider - toptasfoto.com
Benro Move OverD6B Karbon Fiber raylarda 59.0 cm alanda hareket sağlayan alüminyum kaydırma taşıyıcısına sahiptir. 3/8" girişli düz bir montaj yüzeyine sahiptir. Düz taban, hidrolik kafanızın montajı için 3/8" bir vidaya ve düzgün bir kayma için ön gergili rulmanlara sahiptir.
Benro MoveOver8B Carbon Fiber Slider and Case 35.4in (C08D9B)
2017年8月28日 · The Benro MoveOver8B is a lightweight portable camera slider that allows you to achieve cinematic camera movements up to 35.4" (90 cm) of actual camera travel with ease. Supporting up to 17.6 lb. (8kg), the slider carriage glides along two 15-layer 18mm carbon fiber rails for smooth and quiet operation.
- 评论数: 3