7 benefits of the Mercedes MMA platform arriving in 2024
2022年12月27日 · Mercedes-Benz is developing its all-new MMA platform, which promises to revolutionize its entry-level EVs that are currently ‘conversions’ of gasoline-powered vehicles. The new platform is designed to be flexible and adaptable, able to accommodate a wide range of vehicles at the low end of the portfolio with its electric-first design.
Efficiency is the key to everything | Mercedes-Benz Group
With its outstanding energy efficiency, the highly flexible MMA architecture marks the next step into the electric future of Mercedes-Benz. The new powertrain incorporates the many years of engineering excellence of the brand with the three-pointed star.
梅赛德斯-奔驰全新电动架构MMA介绍 - 电子工程专辑 EE ...
2025年1月7日 · 为此,奔驰计划在2025年首次推出全新的模块化电动架构(MMA- Mercedes Modular Architecture),其首款车型将是CLA。 MMA平台专为电动车设计,强调高效性能,并致力于大幅提升能源利用效率。
巨轮的转身 解构奔驰电动车平台策略 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
MFA II平台(Merecedes Front-wheel-drive Architecture)主要应用在小型车和紧凑型车身上,例如A级、B级、CLA级、GLB级等等,说白了还是“油改电”的产物,由于这类车存在电池侵占底盘夹层空间的先天性问题,若打造成高底盘的SUV,就能够方便地削弱电池带来的负面影响。 由于目前距离MMA平台诞生(应用于中型车)尚有一段年月,EVA平台则用在中大型车身上,在EQC表现不如人意、传统对手和电动新势力推陈出新、还有双积分政策等问题的施压下,用现成的MFA …
Mercedes-Benz Concept CLA Class | Mercedes-Benz Group
2023年9月4日 · Designed on the forthcoming Mercedes‑Benz Modular Architecture (MMA) platform, the exterior aesthetics of the Concept CLA Class stand for iconic design and dynamic performance. Meanwhile, its interior focuses on the customer experience with exceptional comfort and convenience for an electric and digital future.
‘Digital First’ production. - Mercedes-Benz Group
September 20, 2023 – Mercedes-Benz is using in the production the digital twin to plan, retool and ramp-up production of its new MMA platform at its factories in Rastatt (Germany), Kecskemét (Hungary) and Beijing (China). This “Digital First” approach enhances efficiency, avoids defects and saves time, marking a step-change in the ...
Deep Dive MMA: How Mercedes wants to score points with …
2024年11月18日 · With the upcoming CLA, a completely new electric platform called MMA will debut in 2025. It is set to characterise Mercedes' electric cars for years to come - above all with its efficiency. Granted, Mercedes has already placed a particular emphasis on efficiency with the EQS and its particularly aerodynamic body.
奔驰MMA平台细节公布,还能再次发明汽车吗? - 懂车帝
2024年12月1日 · mma平台的核心“edu2.0”是将电机、二级变速器、变频器等集成在一个外壳中的电动驱动单元。 主力驱动电机是自主开发的200kW永磁同步电动机(PSM),以后轮驱动为基础。
M-BENZ新世代動力革命從《CLA》開始!全新MMA技術平台「純 …
2024年11月25日 · mma的核心是新一代純電驅動單元,原廠稱之為2.0世代,完全由mercedes-benz設計研發,主要馬達與逆變器皆位於後軸,可產生268匹馬力,此外並提供4matic全輪驅動系統,並在前軸上增加107匹馬力的電動馬達,緊湊的動力總成將使這些電動車具有寬敞的後行李廂 …
全新奔驰CLA全球首发 MMA平台首款车型-新浪汽车
北京时间3月14日,全新梅赛德斯-奔驰CLA正式全球首发。作为MMA平台首款车型,全新CLA基于模块化架构打造,提供不同驱动形式、不同动力版本、不同 ...