Base vehicles model series 464 - G-Class Governmental Business
Iconic, robust and almost indestructible: as a vehicle for Rescue and Special Operations, the G-Class model series 464 ensures maximum mobility even under the most difficult conditions and impresses with new equipment such as the Emergency Override …
Mercedes Benz W464 Class G 400 d Specs - Ultimate Specs
Explore the Mercedes Benz W464 Class G 400 d 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 detailed specs, including 0-60 mph times, horsepower, and handling data. Get all the Info.
The new Mercedes G-Class W464 for military use
2021年10月4日 · The new Mercedes G-Class W464 is the successor to the W461 built in 1992 for Australia and various armies around the world since 1992 and differs significantly from the civilian version W463 which is sold in the G 350 d, G 400 d, G 500 and AMG G 63 versions.
Mercedes-Benz W464 G-Class Update | Hypebeast
2021年10月11日 · Mercedes-Benz has just unveiled its updated military spec G-Class. Now dubbed the W464, the search and rescue/special operations model maintains the iconic off-roader ‘s 40 years of design DNA...
2022 Mercedes-Benz G-Class W464 Military-Spec
2021年10月4日 · Mercedes is launching a new military-spec G-Wagen, dubbed the W464 series, “for rescue and special operations.” For now, it will be for European militaries only but the older SUV will still remain in production.
全新W464世代MERCEDES-BENZ G350d軍規發表,一般人想買也 …
2021年10月6日 · 而在動力配置方面,目前W464世代G-Class車系中唯一的G350d車型,搭載著代號OM656、排氣量2925c.c.的直列六缸渦輪增壓柴油引擎,具備245hp/3400rpm最大馬力與61.2kgm/1200~3200rpm峰值扭力輸出,搭配八速自排變速箱與差速器可鎖定的四輪驅動系統,同時採用軍規的24V電力 ...
Mercedes-Benz G-Class 全新軍用版本「W464」車型規格曝光
2021年10月4日 · 據悉軍用 G-Class W464 G350d 將具備更強悍越野能力和性能提升的 3.0 升渦輪增壓柴油直列六缸引擎,能夠提供 245 匹馬力與 600 Nm 扭矩的表現,另外燃油表現、24V 電能系統、載重量提升、LED 頭燈與日間行車燈等配置亦值得留意。 當然對公眾來說,更詳細的細節規格依舊保持神秘,各位不妨也一併留意上月初在 IAA 2021 車展上亮相的 電能化...
Mercedes Benz W464 Class G 500 Specs - Ultimate Specs
Explore the Mercedes Benz W464 Class G 500 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 detailed specs, including 0-60 mph times, horsepower, and handling data. Get all the Info.
Mercedes Benz W464 Class G 400 d - Ultimate Specs
Mercedes Benz W464 Class G 63 AMG (2018) vs Mercedes Benz W464 Class G 400 d (2020)
奔驰发布军版大G更多官图!内外设计依旧原始,延续前后硬桥底 …
2021年11月10日 · 动力搭载2.9T柴油机和24V电气系统,最大功率245马力,峰值扭矩600N·m,匹配9AT变速箱和分时四驱系统。 为了能够使用欠发达地区的低质量柴油,排放标准仅符合欧3。 懂车帝提供 近日,梅赛德斯-奔驰发布了奔驰G级 (图片|配置|询价)军用版的更多官图。 新车专供政府机构和军队,“用于救援和特殊行动”,底盘代号.