BeoLab 3 - Beoworld
BeoLab 3 is the most compact, versatile loudspeaker in the current Bang & Olufsen range of loudspeakers. Using both ICEPower® and Acoustic Lens Technology, BeoLab 3 represents an important expansion of Bang & Olufsen’s compact loudspeaker range.
BeoLab 3 - PUBLIQ
BeoLab 3 was a very small and compact active speaker which delivered sound which belied its size. Producing 250 watts of excellent quality sound the speakers could be combined with a BeoLab 2 active sub-woofer to produce sufficient noise to fill most rooms.
BeoLab 3 - Beocentral
The BeoLab 3 was an active design, using two class “D” amplifiers rated at 125W each, though what 125W channelled into a 0.75” tweeter in a domestic loudspeaker would sound like was not described in B&O’s catalogues.
焕然一新 | BeoLab 3 和 BeoLab 5 扬声器新色上市! - 搜狐
2017年3月28日 · BeoLab 3 承袭 Bang & Olufsen 还原声音本真的宗旨,其精简紧凑的音箱是多项技术的集大成者,堪称“微小的奇迹”。 每个 BeoLab 3 扬声器均配有两个 125 瓦 ICEpower 功放,带来强劲、浑厚的低音音效。
Bang & Olufsen BeoLab 3 Review - Trusted Reviews
2013年3月1日 · Much like the satisfying ‘chumph’ sound made when you close the door of a luxury car for the first time, the BeoLab 3 is desperate to make a good first impression and assure you that it’s money...
BeoLab 3 Active Loudspeakers - featuring Acoustic Lens technology.
BeoLab 3 Active Loudspeakers – A firm favourite of Bang & Olufsen enthusiasts designed by David Lewis. These beautiful, very powerful, round speakers are a similar design to the BeoLab 2 Sub-Woofer. An acoustic masterpiece with the same Acoustic Lens and ICEPower® technology used in the B&O flagship speakers BeoLab 5. The speakers produce ...
Beolab 3 – Bang & Olufsen Support
User Guide Arabic, Chinese-Simplified, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Latvian,...
Beolab 3 – Bang & Olufsen 技术支持
用户指南 阿拉伯文, 简体中文, 捷克文, 丹麦文, 荷兰文, 英文, 法文, 德文, 希腊文, 匈牙利文, 意大利文, 韩文, 拉脱维亚文 ...
View and Download Bang & Olufsen BeoLab 3 user manual online. Bang & Olufsen BeoLab 3: User Guide. BeoLab 3 speakers pdf manual download.
声学透镜系统 B&O BeoLab 3全面解析_B&O BeoLab 3_家庭影院 …
B&O Beolab 3. 让声音自由飞翔. BeoLab 3 可以摆放在任何地方: 挂在墙上, 放在搁架或落地脚架上。 它采用了与顶级扬声器 BeoLab 5 完全相同的Acoustic Lens Technology (声学透镜系统),无论您将它置于何处,其音质都丝毫不受影响。