B&O BeoLab系列 | BeoLab 5 - 经典的顶级有源扬声器 - 知乎
BeoLab 5 的声音方面,结合独特的双声学透镜设计,将大大扩展用户在声音和美学体验方面的维度。 这个新平台融合了 数字声音处理 (DSP)、 自适应低音控制 (ABC)、 声频散控制 (SDC-声学透镜)、 ICE-power有源声学技术 ,使其具有出色的声音性能,并在市场上树立了新 ...
B&O BeoLab5 review - What Hi-Fi?
2004年4月1日 · Van Morrison's Into the Mystic revels in a rock-solid soundstage, taut and agile bass, effortless swing and rare insight. Switching to John Coltrane's Giant Steps reveals the BeoLab 5s have an almost telepathic degree of integration.
BeoLab 5 - beo.zone
The BeoLab 5 was a remarkable and genuinely revolutionary loudspeaker and did a lot to enhance Bang & Olufsen’s hi-fidelity credibility. A pair would fill even the biggest room with seriously loud sound, and powerful, even bass.
BeoLab 5 - Beoworld
Conceived, designed and built by Bang & Olufsen, BeoLab 5 is (their) latest loudspeaker concept developed for everyone with a passion for listening and living with the ultimate in audio and video entertainment.”
焕然一新 | BeoLab 3 和 BeoLab 5 扬声器新色上市! - 搜狐
2017年3月28日 · BeoLab 5 拥有不低于 2500 瓦特的超大功率;且能够根据周围环境,智能地调节音频性能,带来出色的音乐体验。 时尚的设计 独特的外观令人眼前一亮,只需一眼,您就会对它即将带来的非凡音乐体验充满期待。
性能至上 推陈出新B&O Beolab 5落地式有源音箱浅析 - 音响贵族 …
2008年5月29日 · Beolab 5是一款高价位音箱,每对售价高达1万英镑(约合人民币13万元),所用新技术在其它某些新型音箱中也曾用过,但它却是一款极具个性和特色的新型音箱。
BeoLab 5 - Beocentral
Like all recent B&O loudspeakers, the BeoLab 5 was an active design, containing its own power amplifiers and electronic crossover. The crossover contained an interesting feature, a self-calibrating mode which optimised the bass response of the loudspeaker to its room surroundings by playing a series of internally generated test tones and ...
经典再现 挚爱之选--丹麦Bang & Olufsen Beolab 5有源 ... - 6HIFI
2018年8月8日 · BeoLab 5秉承B&O引以为傲的声学透镜技术(Acoustic Lens Technology),可保证空间内的音效均匀一致且完美平衡;而自适应低音控制技术的应用,则能对空间进行准确分析,根据周边环境来自动调整声效,无论您身处何方,纯净、简洁和宏亮的完美音质始终伴随您左右。
Bang & Olufsen BeoLab 5 Speaker - Sound & Vision
2003年8月19日 · Its claim to fame was an unusual radiation pattern designed to produce this wide-seating-area effect, so I knew that the BeoLab 5 was not a conventional box speaker. But it didn't sound like a flat-panel dipole or bipole model either, since the sound was clearly not coming from a tall source.
B&O旗艦級喇叭——BeoLab 5 - stheadline.com
2004年2月21日 · 每次Bang & Olufsen(B&O)推出新產品都為用家帶來驚喜,好像剛推出的BeoLab 5喇叭就是近期的佳作。 它不但採用獨特的橢圓外形,還加入多項嶄新功能,當中最令人雀躍的是Adaptive Bass Control System功能,機身內置收音咪,能因應環境自動調校最合適的音 …