Base excision repair - Wikipedia
Base excision repair (BER) is a cellular mechanism, studied in the fields of biochemistry and genetics, that repairs damaged DNA throughout the cell cycle. It is responsible primarily for removing small, non-helix-distorting base lesions from the genome.
The lyase activity of the DNA repair protein β-polymerase ... - Nature
2000年6月15日 · Here we show that only the dRP lyase activity of β-pol is required to reverse methylating agent hypersensitivity in β-pol null cells. These results indicate that removal of the dRP group is a...
Deoxyribophosphate lyase activity of mammalian endonuclease …
2006年9月4日 · In eukaryotic BER, DNA glycosylases generate abasic sites, which are then converted to deoxyribo-5′-phosphate (dRP) and excised by a dRP lyase (dRPase) activity of DNA polymerase β (Polβ). Here, we demonstrate that NEIL1 and NEIL2, mammalian homologs of bacterial endonuclease VIII, excise dRP by β-elimination with the efficiency similar to ...
DNA损伤的修复类型有哪些? - 知乎
Long-patch BER修复路径是通过DNA聚合酶的链置换合成(strand displacement synthesis)将损伤部位延续,然后通过Flap核酸酶(FEN-1)将含有损伤的一段被替换的链给切除,最后通过DNA连接酶将新产生的3'羟基和5'磷酸连接
Early steps in the DNA base excision/single-strand ... - Nature
2008年1月1日 · Base excision repair (BER) is an evolutionarily conserved process for maintaining genomic integrity by eliminating several dozen damaged (oxidized or alkylated) or...
Structure and Mechanism of DNA Polymerase β - PMC
Pol β contributes two enzymatic activities, DNA synthesis and deoxyribose phosphate (dRP) lyase, during the repair of AP sites. Figure 1. Base excision repair. Base excision repair involves the removal of a damaged nucleotide (red pointers) from DNA. It is replaced with an undamaged nucleotide (green pointers).
Eukaryotic Base Excision Repair: New Approaches Shine Light on ...
Base excision repair (BER) is a cellular multi-enzyme DNA repair process for removing small and often non-helix distorting base lesions. The BER process has been the subject of many recent reviews (7 - 13), but in this review we will focus on biochemical, structural, and kinetic approaches toward gaining insights into step coordination in BER.
Structural basis of gap-filling DNA synthesis in the ... - Nature
3 天之前 · Single-strand breaks (SSBs) are one of the most prevalent forms of DNA damage found in the chromatinized genome and are repaired by single-strand break repair (SSBR) or base excision repair (BER).
碱基切除修复 - 百度百科
碱基切除修复(base-excision repair, BER)研究发现,所有细胞中都带有不同类型、能识别受损核酸位点的糖苷水解酶,它能够特异性切除受损核苷酸上的N-β-糖苷键,在DNA链上形成去嘌呤或去嘧啶位点,统称为AP位点。
Nucleic Acids Research|毛志勇团队揭示SIRT2在DNA损伤修复中 …
2024年4月25日 · 生物体演化出了多条损伤修复通路以应对不同类型的DNA损伤,其中碱基切除修复 (Base excision repair,BER)与多种衰老相关疾病关系紧密【3】。BER 通路主要修复由内源活性氧(ROS)或外源化学物质及辐射引起的碱基损伤。