Jitter和BERT的关系 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
高速接口数据传输的误码率(BERT)是和 Jitter 相关的。 总体抖动 TJ 可以分为 DJ 和 RJ。 RJ可以认为是符合高斯正态分布的随机噪音jitter,DJ是有边界的确定jitter。 双狄拉克模型估算总体抖动TJ ,BERT指标越高,TJ需要加更大的RJ方差。 PLL 的带宽会影响RX的眼图,PLL的带宽小恢复的时钟干净,用该时钟采样输入数据信号,高频抖动就多;PLL的带宽大,恢复的时钟和输入信号有比较一致的低频/高频抖动,采样结果的抖动就小. 示波器 在时域测试: 抖动测量本底决定了 …
PLL之 TJ DJ RJ @jitter - Analog/RF IC 设计讨论 - EETOP
2015年12月15日 · DJ是相对于Random Jitter来说的,因为DJ的分布不符合RJ的gaussian 分布,是一种相对确定的有界分布。 一般的Communication system的spec都会规定DJ RJ和BER,包括PCI-E USB DP之类的 附件有介绍 An Introduction to Jitter in Communications Systems.pdf (85.21 KB, 下载次数: 463 )
What decides that the peak-to-peak jitter is 6 x RJRMS, or 7 x RJRMS, or 12 x RJRMS? A useful way to accomplish this is based on the bit error ratio (BER) required by the system. It is assumed that any samples th at
Random and deterministic jitter, RJ and DJ In the analysis of serial data systems, it’s useful to distinguish two categories of jitter, random jitter (RJ) and deterministic jitter (DJ). Figure 8 shows an example of how RJ and DJ appear on a signal. DJ determines the
Various measuring instruments, such as sampling scopes (Eye Pattern analyzer) and BERTs are being used to classify and analyze jitter components, such as DJ, RJ, etc., that affect communications quality over Fibre Channel, Infiniband, 10GbE, USB, PCI, etc., high-speed serial transmission standards used in data communications and computing.
random jitter (RJ) follows a Gaussian distribution that is independent of all sources of DJ. The probability density function, or jitter distribution, can be measured by making a histogram of an eye-diagram crossing point, Figure 3a. The jitter distribution, J(x) Figure 3b, can then be described as RJ(x)_DJ(x) where the functional form
The only way to directly measure Total Jitter is with a Bit Error Ratio (BER) test. Sample at various points along unit interval, directly measure BER at each point. Plot “bathtub” curve. On an oscilloscope we monitor the waveform transitions and note the jitter at each transition point. This is called the Time Interval Error (TIE) record.
• Regular BER-scan measures BER point by point (eventually w/ predefined break parameters such as # of errors or # of bits) • Goal of fast TJ algorithm is to bracket the point in time where BER=BER target w/ sufficiently low resolution (e.g. 10mUI) • Fast TJ algorithm based on the fact that a BER measurement follows a Poisson
Effective 方法是直接对浴盆曲线( bathtub curve )进行分析,将 Tj 分解为 Dj 和 Rj 。这种方法与误码率测试仪( BERT )的方法相同。在使用 NQ-Scale 方法得到不同 BER 下的 Tj 后,由于 Tj = Dj + α × Rj ,在不同 BER 下的系数 α 是已知,可以推算出不同 BER 下的 Dj 和 Rj 。
B. BER is calculated by dividing the total amount of verified bits by the number of bit errors. C. BER is used in a bathtub curve as a measure of the fidelity in the data stream.