Beretta 682 vs Silver Pigeon - Shotgun Forum
2025年2月14日 · In looking at the newer production Silver Pigeon shotguns it is apparent to me that the current base Beretta is now a mass produced gun. The SP has straight lifeless wood …
Beretta 682 Gold (greystone) Hybrid - Shotgun Forum
2008年1月26日 · I purchased a new Beretta 682 Gold Sporting with 30 3/4 inch barrels several years ago, sent it to Briley and had the forcing cones lengthened and then locked it safely …
Beretta 682 (used) vs. 686 (new) - which should I get??? - Shotgun …
2008年6月13日 · (1) Used Beretta 682 Greystone 31" barrel - the seller wants $1,700, and says 25,000 shells have been through it. (2) New Beretta 686 White Onyx Sporting - new at Bass …
Beretta 682 X-Trap - Opinions | Shotgun Forum
2013年5月6日 · Also all OPTIMA bored guns have OB on the left side rear of the barrel. Call Beretta with the serial number or go on line and Beretta has a serial number locater and it will …
Beretta 682 Unsingle or Combo - Shotgun Forum
2010年12月16日 · At one time a 682 Gold E Combo was my dream gun. I made the mistake of buying a DT-10 Unsingle. The action was super smooth and the trigger was the best of any …
Beretta 682 gold ex trap 32 inch barrels - Shotgun Forum
2013年3月2日 · The 682 Gold has won more Olympic metals in its history; DT10/SO5 win and now the 692/DT11 will most like win more metals in summer 2016 Olympic then any other mgf. …
682 Gold vs. 682 Gold E vs DT-10 - Shotgun Forum
2009年3月29日 · The older 682 Gold has Mobil Choked Barrels and the longest length is 29.5" what most people call 30" The 682 Gold E has up tp 32" Barrels, which is what Mine had. I can …
BERETTA 682 receiver and reliability - Shotgun Forum
2007年2月16日 · BERETTA 682s have been used very successfully since 25 years , for every clayshooting sports all over the world. The first models , with the silver nickel finish receiver, …
any difference in the beretta 682 gold e skeet & sporting
2010年2月21日 · The 682 E skeet comes with 2 3/4" chambers, a 28" barrel and a skeet forend. The 682 E sporting comes with 3" chambers, 28" 30" or 32" barrels and a schnabel forend. …
Beretta 682 Super Sporting Value and Advice - Shotgun Forum
2012年10月5日 · Made the mistake of walking through a local gun shop tonight. Found a Beretta Super Sporting, 682. 28" choke tube barrel, factory blue hard case and extra comb shims. It …