Beriev Be-6 - Wikipedia
The Beriev Be-6 (USAF/DoD reporting name "Type 34", [1] NATO reporting name "Madge" [2]) was a flying boat produced by the Soviet Beriev OKB. It was capable of accomplishing a wide variety of missions, such as long-range maritime reconnaissance, coastal and supply line patrols, torpedo/bombing strikes, mine-laying, and transport operations.
Berijew Be-6 – Wikipedia
Die Be-6 wurde aus ihrem Vorgängermodell Berijew LL-143 entwickelt, von der nur ein Prototyp existierte. Wie diese war sie ein Schulterdecker in Ganzmetallbauweise. Das Vorgängerprojekt MDR-10 [1] war bereits im Jahr 1942 entworfen worden. [2] [3] Der Entwurf ähnelte der amerikanischen Martin Mariner.Von 1945 bis 1946 absolvierte …
Beriev Be-6, Be-10, & Be-12 Flying Boats - AirVectors
Sources give about 1,300 MBR-2 flying boats built in all, making it Beriev's most successful flying boat in terms of sheer production numbers. Other Beriev seaplanes designed in the 1930s weren't so successful: The "KOR-1" AKA "Be-2" was a two …
Giant Soviet Flying Boat That Chased NATO Submarines | Beriev …
Today we're taking a look at the Beriev Be-6. This was a large flying boat developed in the Soviet Union, and one that saw extensive service during the first...
Berijew / Beriev Be-6 - Specifications - Technical Data / Description
The Beriev Be-6 is a twin-engined maritime patrol and bomber flying boat produced by the Soviet manufacturer Beriev Design Bureau, today Beriev Aircraft Company (Russia). Crew: 7-8: Propulsion: 2 Radial Engines: Engine Model: Shvetsov ASh-73TK: Engine Power (each) 1693 kW: 2270 hp: Speed: 415 km/h: 224 kts 258 mph: Service Ceiling: 6.100 m: 20. ...
Be-6 | War Thunder Wiki
The Be-6 was a Soviet multi-purpose flying boat designed with the intent of carrying out various maritime missions. The primary purposes for which it was designed were anti-submarine warfare, transport operations, and reconnaissance missions. It was developed in the late 1940s by Beriev OKB and first flew in 1949.
Beriev Be-6 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El Beriev Be-6 (código USAF: DoD "Tipo 34" y de la OTAN "Madge") fue un hidrocanoa producido por la oficina de diseño (OKB) Beriev en Tagarong. Era capaz de cumplir una amplia variedad de misiones, como el reconocimiento marítimo de largo alcance, patrullas costeras, suministro, torpedeo, bombardeo, colocación de minas y operaciones de ...
Beriev Be-6 Madge - GlobalSecurity.org
The experimental scout bomber Beriev aircraft LL-143 was an all-metal, high-wing monoplane, which had two Shvetsova ASH-72 radial engines with an output of 1492 kW (2000 hp). The armament ...
别-200“牵牛星”水陆两栖飞机 - 百度百科
在20世纪40年代至60年代,在前苏联别里耶夫飞机设计局(G.M.Beriev)监督指导下,位于塔甘罗格的工厂开发出一系列世界闻名的水上飞机:别-6 活塞式发动机 水上飞机,别-10 喷气式发动机 水上飞机和别-12 涡轮螺旋桨发动机 水陆两用飞机。别-12水陆两用飞机是 ...
别里耶夫设计局 - 百度百科