FB Radom - Beryl Rifle - 7.62x39 - Arms of America
2025年2月14日 · The current Beryl 762 S M1 Rifle is a US Civilian legal semi auto sporting rifle. They are perfect for having fun at the range or home defense applications. Beautiful fit and finish with original Polish FB Factory markings will make this a great addition to your collection and increase in value.
Beryl Rifle -762 - AtlanticFirearms.com
Beryl Style Muzzle Brake; Length: 36.25" Weight: 6.75 lbs empty; Beautiful Fit and Finish; Polish Factory Markings; Comes with Soft rifle case; Converted by Atlantic Arms MFG; The Polish Beryl rifle was developed in the mid 1990's by the Team at Fabryka Broni / FB Radom to replace the AKM 7.62x39mm and Tantal 5.45x39mm rifle used in the Polish ...
FB Beryl - Wikipedia
The karabinek szturmowy wzór 96 "Beryl" (English: assault rifle pattern 1996 "Beryllium", abbreviated kbs wz. 96) is a Polish 5.56mm assault rifle, designed and produced by the Fabryka Broni Radom. The rifle replaced the 5.45×39mm FB Tantal and 7.62×39mm AKM rifles as the standard-issue service rifle of the Polish Armed Forces.
Beryl M762使用心得分享:猛男枪的前世今生 - 知乎
Beryl M762使用心得分享:猛男枪的前世今生 专业电竞分析家 2018年9月,一把名为 M762 的武器登陆绝地求生,宣传称它有着762武器的伤害和556武器的射速。
吃鸡游戏枪械的前世今生之Beryl M762自动步枪 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年7月8日 · Beryl M762自动步枪是波兰FB武器公司设计制造的一种自动步枪,其在kbk wz.96卡宾枪的基础上改进而来,发射和AKM自动步枪相同的7.62×39mm步枪弹。 从外观上就可以看出,M762自动步枪的机匣、弹匣与AKM几乎是一模一样。
FB RADOM BERYL 762 S M1 RIFLE 7.62X39MM - Atlantic Firearms
2022年1月19日 · Back by popular demand in inventory at Atlantic Firearms is the FB Radom Beryl 762 S M1 Rifle chambered in 7.62x39mm. Developed in the mid 1990's by FB Radom, the Polish Beryl rifle was intended to replace the AKM 7.62x39mm and Tantal 5.45x39mm rifles used in …
Beryl M762自动步枪背后的故事:波兰精神的体现 - 网易
2018年8月29日 · Beryl M762自动步枪是波兰FB武器公司设计制造的一种自动步枪,其在kbk wz.96卡宾枪的基础上改进而来,发射和AKM自动步枪相同的7.62×39mm步枪弹。 从外观上就可以看出,M762自动步枪的机匣、弹匣与AKM几乎是一模一样。
Beryl M762全方位测评:40发子弹的MK14 - 网易
2018年8月20日 · 本次测试服更新让人眼前一亮,其原因便是蓝洞无声无息地添加了一款新的武器:Beryl M762。快来和我了解一下新枪M762的性能吧! 首先给出官方的数据: 武器类型:突击步枪. 弹药类型:7.62mm口径. 伤害:47. 每秒输出伤害:548.3. 射击(归零)距离:最高400米
Beryl M762 - FirearmCentral Wiki
The Beryl M762 is a Polish assault rifle developed by FB Radom for the export market. Standard model. New furniture and rails. Version with new telescopic stock, rails, and furniture. Model from 2013/2014 that is compatible with STANAG magazines. Not adopted by the Polish military. Compact model.
1 天前 · 昨晚大家当了4小时哑巴~,脑花被Beryl抖散,霓虹aug对比米诺陶洛斯aug,孰强孰弱?,虽然Berry秒伤最高 但为什么高手都玩AUG? ... 会员购; 漫画; 赛事; 投稿. 为什么说Beryl+SLR是最强组合!762子弹重量降低你还在玩556吗? ...