以太网交换机 BES-53248 - 存储交换机 - Lenovo NetApp: 智慧数 …
因此,bes-53248 以太网存储交换机可提供优异的可扩展性和非凡的性能,始终满足 ip 闪存工作负载需求。 可用性和可管理性 BES-53248 以太网存储交换机设计有两个热插拔冗余电源和六个热插拔冗余风扇托盘,可实现非凡的可用性。
BES-53248 Ethernet Storage Switch Datasheet - Lenovo Press
2020年11月3日 · The BES-53248 Ethernet Storage Switch is also delivering flexible performance to support growing and dynamic workloads with support for 10/25/40 and 100 Gb Ethernet. In addition to the ultra-low latency, the switch provides a total switching capacity of 4Tbps. As a result, the BES-53248 Ethernet Storage Switch provides both elegant scalability ...
BES-53248 Ethernet Storage Switch for Lenovo Product Guide
2024年3月26日 · The BES-53248 Ethernet Storage Switch for Lenovo is an IP SAN storage switch that is designed and optimized to provide dedicated Ethernet storage fabric, including storage clustering in the data center and between the local and remote sites, and it offers 10/25/40/100 Gb Ethernet connectivity with "pay-as-you-grow" scalability. The switch delivers line-rate, high-bandwidth lossless switching ...
Documentation requirements for BES-53248 cluster switches
2022年12月21日 · For BES-53248 switch installation and maintenance, be sure to review the specific switch and controller documentation. Broadcom documentation. To set up the BES-53248 cluster switch, you need the following documents available from the Broadcom Support Site: Broadcom Ethernet Switch Product Line.
BES-53248 Ethernet Storage Switch: 16x SFP and 2x QSFP Ports Active, 2 PS B7KP BES-53248 Ethernet Storage Switch for Lenovo 5. The packaging for the BES-53248 Ethernet Storage Switch for Lenovo models include the following items: One switch unit …
更換Broadcom支援的Bes - 53248叢集交換器 - NetApp
2024年8月2日 · 在叢集網路中更換故障的Broadcom支援的Bes-53248叢集交換器、是不中斷營運的程序(NDU)。
BES-53248-以太网存储交互机 - Lenovo
Broadcom® BES-53248 交换机 | HW-SW-IX8 | Lenovo Docs
Broadcom BES-53248 集群交换机概述 BES-53248 集群交换机设计用于 ONTAP 9.6 及更高版本中由 2 到 24 个控制器组成的集群。 设置 Broadcom BES-53248 集群交换机 可根据设置信息准备您的集群交换机以按照需求进行配置和自定义。 Broadcom BES-53248 集群交换机所需文档
第4章 配置新的Broadcom的BES-53248集群交换机 可通过完成本章中详述的步骤来配置新的BES-53248集群交换机。 关于本任务 要在运行ONTAP9.6及更高版本的系统上安装BroadcomBES-53248集群交换机,首先要设置 IP地址和配置,以允许交换机通过管理接口进行通信。
Page 21: Fan Tray Of Bes-53248 Series Repeat the above procedures to install additional QSFP28 modules. For more information about the QSFP28 port LED behavior when the network link is established, refer to “LED Indicators of BES-53248 Series Switch”. Fan Tray of BES-53248 Series The switch chassis is equipped with six fan trays.