Voigtländer Bessa R 35mm Film Camera Review - a Value Proposition
2018年8月31日 · The Voigtländer Bessa R was the first modern Bessa rangefinder, and shared several things with the earlier L, including a vertically traveling shutter, TTL metering, and primarily plastic construction.
福伦达BESSA系列全传之一 (机身篇) - xitek.com
该公司计划在今年正式推出世界上首款大光圈KM口的35/1.2广角头,价格和推出时间尚未确定,但已经有实用报告发表。 将在后续的镜头资料中进行详细介绍。 为了方便大家平行比较所以我采用了把卡口相同的2款机排列在一起。 从基本功能我们就可以看出R2是VM口的高级机,T属于普通机。 T和R2的差别在于内置取景器的有无,T不管什么头都必须使用外置式取景器,再就是ISO的连动范围,R2比较广。 就我一个业余爱好者认识来说,此点上R2并没有比T强出多少,但T没有 …
Voigtlander Bessa R Review (Screw Mount)
2021年2月9日 · When it comes to picking a good Voigtlander Bessa R lens it is partly personal preference but also working within the limitations of the camera. I enjoy using the Bessa R with small lightweight screw mount lenses. 28mm, 35mm and 50mm (max).
福伦达Bessa-R评测 - xitek.com
同Bessa-L一样,Bessa-R采用纵走式双层帘幕机械焦平面快门,其中一层是挡光快门,最高快门速度为1/2000s。 由于挡光快门的存在,不必要为防止漏光而总要盖上镜头盖。
Interested in getting a bessa R : r/AnalogCommunity - Reddit
Because Bessa’s use a different type of shutter, they sound more like an SLR, not as quiet as a film Leica if noise is an issue for you. Otherwise they are pretty reliable and fixable if needed.
Advice on Voigtlaender Bessa R/R2 - Filmwasters.com
2013年8月29日 · I like to get myself a 35mm rangefinder Camera and I had an eye on the Bessa models for quite some time. There seem to be some users around here so maybe you can give me an advice. Is there anyone using the Bessa R2 with a …
Voigtländer Bessa-R: The New Rangefinder - elekm.net
Quite simply, the Voigtländer Bessa-R is a return to the basics. It's a camera that brings the simplicity of photography back to the marketplace and to the masses. This camera, which is manufactured by Japan-based Cosina, is an all-manual 35mm rangefinder system that includes interchangeable lenses, hot-shoe mounted meters and other accessories.
Bessa R - Leica and Rangefinders - Photo.net
2007年4月5日 · The Bessa R gives you the best of both worlds - you get to use Leica screw mount lenses but on a body with a decent viewfinder, self timer and meter. You also have acccess to the inexpensive and excellent Voigtlander lenses.
Voigtlander Bessa R3M In-Depth Review – Photographer Jaakko …
2012年6月6日 · Bessa R3m is a reasonable cost alternative for Leica, plus it accepts all wonderful Leica’s lenses (but has no built-in 35mm frame lines). Bessa R3M with Nokton 40mm lens might be good option for those who want to try manual rangefinder photography for the first time.
Cosina Voigtlander Bessa R2A Film Slr - eBay
We specialize in selling toy and model cars. We strive to keep in mind our costumers, both old and young who like ourselves are passionate about the cars we provide. Good seller. Item as …