Voigtlander Bessa T Review (Best Leica M6 Alternative?)
The Bessa T offers an affordable alternative to Leica M film cameras. From the current used prices this camera still seems be off radar for those looking for a 35mm rangefinder film camera. Here is a quick summary about the Bessa T and why you should consider buying one.
唯一的徕卡M口掌机——福伦达bessa T - i50mm
2024年5月6日 · 而bessaT是福伦达针对这类人群的产物,是的,世界上唯一的M口掌机:福伦达bessa T。 福伦达bessa T 是兼容徕卡m和螺口l39的胶片相机,它的取景器参考了早期徕卡螺口机的设计,小巧轻便,单手握持很好,配合漆面手感,根本不需要背带。
Voigtlander Bessa T - CameraQuest
The Bessa T is the least expensive M mount camera ever made, as well as one the most unusual M mount cameras. The Bessa T makes for an ideal low cost 2nd M body, or a low cost entry into the not so inexpensive Leica M system. See that thing mounted to the bottom of the camera ?
Rangefinder Oddity: Bessa T with Voigtländer 35/2.5 and 15/4.5
2021年3月15日 · The Voigtländer Bessa T has a rangefinder, but lacks a classic viewfinder. Being the first Bessa with an M bayonet, it was in its way a ground-breaking camera. So, historical reasons alone make the Bessa T worth looking at.
福伦达Bessa T旁轴胶片机使用体验如何? - 知乎
Bessa T这台机器基本就是现代版的Leica III,如果题主喜欢长焦,还是推荐M6,M7,MP。 首先是框线全,M4,M2这种虽然对焦准,但是没有75框。 不过M6和前期M7的黄斑炫光确实挺严重。
福伦达Bessa-T网友点评 - xitek.com
新登场的Bessa-T特点是它的M型接环,是针对Leica产品的爱用者而设计,并可接各种厂牌的M型接环式镜头;接上转接环也可接任何型式的Leica螺纹式镜头。 基本配备为:机械式Copal快门1-1/2000、1/125th同步闪光灯、水银TTL测光表、无TTL闪光灯,机身型式、底片匣与Bessa ...
Voigtlander Bessa T Rangefinders - PhotographyReview
The Bessa T is a 35mm rangefinder camera with M-mount (bayonet) system. The camera uses accessory shoe-mounted viewfinders. The Bessa T also features a focal plane shutter and TTL metering system, as well as a mechanical 10-second timer, X-synchro contact flash terminal synchronized at 1/125 seconds or less.
- 评论数: 7
福伦达BESSA系列全传之一(机身篇) - xitek.com
正式入坑旁轴——福伦达 Bessa T - 站酷ZCOOL
正式入坑旁轴——福伦达 Bessa T,三年后终于没有忍住又买新的胶卷相机了,这次入手的是福伦达旁轴 Bessa T+蔡司取景器,镜头是福伦达VM 35mm 2.5饼干头,胶卷是便宜的爱克发APX 1,站酷聚集了1800万设计师、摄影师、插画师、艺术家、创意人,设计创意群体中具有较高 ...
VOIGTLANDER(福伦达) BESSA T 旁轴相机 135相机 - 『祥升行 …