Rangefinder Oddity: Bessa T with Voigtländer 35/2.5 and 15/4.5
2021年3月15日 · For this review, I tested it with lenses from 15 to 90 millimetres focal lengths majoring on the Voigtländer 15/4.5 Super-Wide-Heliar Version I and the 35/2.5 Color Skopar. This was Voigtländer’s very first rangefinder camera with an M mount. The Bessa T was made to less sophisticated standards than later Bessas.
Voigtlander Bessa T Review (Best Leica M6 Alternative?)
The Bessa T offers an affordable alternative to Leica M film cameras. From the current used prices this camera still seems be off radar for those looking for a 35mm rangefinder film camera. Here is a quick summary about the Bessa T and why you should consider buying one.
唯一的徕卡M口掌机——福伦达bessa T - i50mm
2024年5月6日 · 福伦达bessa T 是兼容徕卡m和螺口l39的胶片相机,它的取景器参考了早期徕卡螺口机的设计,小巧轻便,单手握持很好,配合漆面手感,根本不需要背带。
福伦达Bessa-T网友点评 - xitek.com
Voigtlander已陆续发表了12mm, 15mm, 21mm, 25mm, 28mm, 35mm, 50mm, 75mm与90mm等镜头,专门针对莱卡相机而设计,配合Bessa机身的拍摄效果也是有口皆碑。Voigtlander针对Canon, Nikon, Minolta与Olympus等相机也设计了专属的75mm镜头,下个月即将推出的是125mm镜头。
Bessa T | Chan'Blog 遊攝天下 解讀博文
機身使用bessa T,配一個40mm的view。 ... Ricoh 在leica ltm出過兩支傳奇鏡頭,分別是ricoh gr 21mm 和ricoh gr 28mm,兩支鏡都是在ricoh 的ps快拍機上抽出來重新制作為leica L mount 用的﹐在整個相機鏡頭史上非常少見,可見這支ricoh gr1s 快拍機的受歡迎程度。 試玩就當然是要用bessa T 配上gr的原裝viewfinder,菲林使用kodak colorplus200。 作為... Voigtlander在cosina手下,在L mount和M mount,以及S mount contax rf mount上,出廣角鏡,十分賣力,在當年, …
福伦达Bessa T旁轴胶片机使用体验如何? - 知乎
Bessa T这台机器基本就是现代版的Leica III,如果题主喜欢长焦,还是推荐M6,M7,MP。 首先是框线全,M4,M2这种虽然对焦准,但是没有75框。 不过M6和前期M7的黄斑炫光确实挺严重。
Bessa-T review - Luminous Landscape
2009年1月13日 · Since I already own aLeica M6, I bought the Bessa, and specifically the Bessa-T, almost exclusively for a use with the12mm Voigtl”nder f/5.6 Heliarultrawide angle lens. I also bought it as an emergency backup for the M6. Unlike the other two Bes... Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Luminous Landscape. (You can unsubscribe anytime)
福伦达bessa-t之家 - 无忌摄影论坛
2009年2月14日 · T和L其实没有本质区别,都是为广角头的估焦和盲拍准备的,其实配本家的25mm的头最爽了,头上有距离刻度,把对焦环拧到距离刻度,相机挂在胸前,看见就拍,非常人文,非常纪实啊,哈哈。
The Voigtländer Bessa Rangefinder Cameras - Jo Geier
2022年4月16日 · Here is a short overview of the different models produced and some of their core differences. 1999 - Voigtländer Bessa L. Leica M39 screw mount body. NO built-in viewfinder. Intended for use with ultra-wide angle lenses with external viewfinder. Available in black or silver chrome. Special Editions were available in olive green or grey finish.
Sold: Voigtlander Bessa T + rapid wind + Voigt 12mm + Voigt …
Voigtlander Bessa T with the Voigtlander rapid winder. Body is black and the winder dark gray with matching black accents. Looks great together. Meter works well and body and winder function very smoothly. Great condition. Voigtlander 12mm f/5.6 lens with the sought after metal bright lines Voigtlander 12mm viewfinder.
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