Best .22lr rifle for SHTF? - Survivalist Forum
2016年7月21日 · My bugout .22lr is my S&W M&P 15-22. Its lightweight, compact enough for my needs, easy to clean, most MilSpec AR parts work with it (so part availability is good), …
Best 22lr rifle - Survivalist Forum
2023年2月2日 · For myself best .22 is my Western Field (Montgomery Wards) that I got as a XMAS present in the late 60's, Bolt Action, Tubular magazine, 24'' barrel, will shoot …
Best .22LR Ammo for SemiAuto? - Survivalist Forum
2013年10月9日 · The best .22 LR I've found so far is CCI AR-22. I know...sounds like a gimic...but it works well in pistol or semi-auto .22 LR chambered firearms. It's not advertised with the …
.22 LR as my primary SHTF round - Survivalist Forum
2015年6月16日 · How about an AR in .223/5.56 with a separate full upper in .22LR. I have one and it makes for an accurate and dependable .22LR on an AR lower. The .22LR insert isn't …
What is a good range to sight in a .22LR? | Survivalist Forum
2017年8月14日 · Yes, the Quiets did group the worst, but for this rifle I wanted what grouped the best, and in the case that was the CCI Standard Velocity, and being subsonic, they really …
Best 22lr rifle | Page 2 | Survivalist Forum
2022年3月25日 · Hey yall, I'm looking for would be the best 22lr rifle for mid/long range defense and hunting small game. I've always been realy into leveraction, but I have a coworker who's …
Henry Classic .22LR Scope Recommendation - Survivalist Forum
2023年6月22日 · I picked up a Henry Classic 18.5" lever action .22 a couple of weeks ago. I am looking for recommendations for a scope for it. Magnification range and specific …
.22 Rimfire - Lead vs. Copper Plated | Survivalist Forum
2018年8月15日 · I have noticed that most target rounds in 22 LR use pure lead bullet, and many of the best 22 LR hunting rounds use copper plated bullets. Given the choice, I prefer Federal …
Best .22 hunting ammo? - Survivalist Forum
2018年1月16日 · Any .22LR "Hi-Speed" ammo should work for you, but a hollowpoint will expand when shot out of a rifle, so there's that. There's also a CCI load called an "SGB", which stands …
22LR.... is this the best for SHTF? - Survivalist Forum
2023年10月20日 · I wouldn't use .22LR for any sort of self-defense unless it was all I had. If you are forced to wonder on foot, well you are in a pretty bad situation at that point, all the more …