best ccw 9mm revolver? - Survivalist Forum
2012年4月16日 · I'd love to get one if they ever release them for sale. The main advantage of a 9mm revolver IMO is the fun of a revolver using the same cheap ammo that you use in your semi-auto (caliber consolidation). I mainly own 9mm handguns, so for me it is a great alternative to having to stock more expensive .357 or .38.
9mm revolver? Is it Practical? - Survivalist Forum
2010年1月18日 · I have several revolvers in 38 special / 357 (1979 S&W Model 38 Bodyguard, S&W 642, Ruger Security Six) and two 9mm revolvers (S&W 940 and Taurus 905) as well as a Springfield XDm in 9mm and Ruger p345 in 45 acp. The handguns that get most range time are the 9mm revolvers followed by the 9mm XDm.
Charter Arms vs. Taurus 9mm revolver | Survivalist Forum
2016年12月5日 · i recently got a barely used charter arms 9mm pitbull. im a wheelgun guy, i dont have a 9mm semiauto pistol, but do greatly enjoy 9mm in my ruger blackhawk and bond arms derringer. i like 38 wadcutters in snubbies so cheap 9mm ammo led me to the c.a. after 50 range rounds my impressions of the c.a.: 1.
What is the best 8 shot 357 revolver... and...? - Survivalist Forum
2010年11月27日 · The Smith seems to be a great gun although I am not sure what the quality these days coming out of the factory are. I own one of their N Frame revolvers but its about 30 years old and its a great gun. With the Smith you will be paying a pretty penny for it.
Best revolver for self defense - Survivalist Forum
2012年5月9日 · Long and short answer is, whatever revolver best fits your hand or the hand of the person who is most likely to shoot it. There's not a lot that can go wrong on a revolver, and with the design being well over 100 years old, the kinks have been worked out of it.
Black Powder Revolvers for Self Defense - Survivalist Forum
2021年11月11日 · This is probably the best video on the question of BP revolvers for SD. He does not recommend them if you have any other options. Frankly I would rather use the money for a BP revolver and buy extra ammo or a reloading kit with supplies for the smokeless powder rounds I shoot now. A BP revolver is a last ditch gun for me.
9mm thoughts - Survivalist Forum
2023年7月10日 · There are 9 mm revolvers, and 9mm semi autos designed to be easy to rack, with ergonomics for women, like shorter reach to the trigger. Walther PDP F series, the EZ line from S&W, I’m sure there are others. But….and this won’t be popular with the “expurts”….a NOT pocket sized .380 can be really nice.
Which Revolvers Have Proved Durable - Survivalist Forum
2023年12月11日 · Back in the day US Customs and Border Patrol tasked the Army's Aberdeen Proving Ground to conduct safety, environmental and endurance testing of .357 revolvers. Those tests from the 1980s are in the public domain. Short answer Ruger Six series was the clear winner over S&W. Longevity issues with the S&W are well documented.
Let's Talk About Old School Pre-1985 .357 Magnum Revolvers
2019年6月10日 · As street criticism of the .38 Special cartridge increased in intensity, a few US police agencies adopted the .357 Magnum, 9mm Luger or .45 ACP. But the great majority of police departments simply wanted more effective .38 Special ammunition, which could be used safely in their existing revolvers. Two schools of thought were pursued.
Advice on shtf handgun - Survivalist Forum
2021年3月4日 · The worst versions are often touted as the best choice for beginners, and that couldn't be the farthest from the truth. If you're going to go with a revolver, start with a 4" gun with proper grips, and learn to shoot it DAO. Revolvers require a bit more from you in the reload department, and that tends to take a bit more work on your part.