who has the best VCT floor finsih? - Mikey's Board
2006年10月7日 · I like Spartan ishine but prefer diversey premia floor finish for high traffic areas for its amazing repairable characteristics and overall shine/smoothness retention. I like finishes that lay down without bubbles and self level, so anyone of my guys can throw it down.
Best Floor Stripper - Mikey's Board
2009年4月21日 · What is the best floor stripper. I have tried a few and they work most of the time. Sometimes I run into a floor that the leftover wax will not move. I have purchased a stripping brush, it helped but I have one of my regluar accounts that I can't get some of the wax off after going over it 2 times.
VCT strip and wax pricing - Mikey's Board
2010年8月19日 · VCT is hard ass work. Especially if the floor has multipe coats of wax over dirt. It's mostly done late at nite or on weekends You have to "guard dog" your job so some idiot wont go walking over slippery stripper or wet wax and hurt themselves or put footprints in the wax. It takes 3 times longer than cleaning carpet or tile & grout.
what is the best floor finish VCT - Mikey's Board
2012年5月18日 · Greetings to all , I have read some post on floor finish for VCT. I have look at Diversey Signature and Diversey High Milage. 1,5000 sq. ft. I will strip and recoat is a break area and there are close to 200 people walking thru. Any suggestion on the two floor finish or any other finish. Thanks for your time.
Stupid ?...Can you paint a VCT floor? - Mikey's Board
2015年3月7日 · if the floor is solid (no flaking finish or chipped tiles) just clean and scuff it, apply bonding primer then the top coat of paint The only thing that would change that, was if the floor was waxed with paste wax..then it should be stripped for best adhesion . if acrylic floor finish, clean/scuff 'n go
NFG with VCT new install best way to finish/ wax - Mikey's Board
2018年11月18日 · Renting a 175 RPM floor machine will definitely speed up the process over hand cleaning. Probably worth the cost. You can rent from Aramsco on Amelia St in Orlando.
Best Floor Finish for Sealed Concrete - Mikey's Board
2019年2月21日 · STEP 1: use 400 grit on a slow speed floor machine to prep the floor. STEP 2: Apply Smartkrete SmartGuard with a sprayer and spread thin with a MicroFiber applicator. STEP 3: wait 1 hour and Burnish with a high speed 1500RPM or faster, burnisher. You will have a reflective, protected floor that may need burnishing once every 6 months.
Strip a brick floor - Mikey's Board
2006年10月8日 · Great looking floor/tired of paying $600 a year to maintain a twenty-plus year old finish. If she wants it stripped off, the every six months guys should be forced to handle that build-up. If she wants someone else to handle maintenance, I wouldn't even refer someone.
How much do your charge to clean VCT???? - Mikey's Board
2007年7月31日 · $.35 per sq foot- the longer it has been since the last strip and wax, the more charge per sq ft. I had one job that hadn't been redone for 15 years- literally. I had to strip the damn thing 3 times before I got all the wax off of it, then scrape where the rubber carpet runners were- painful thinking about it.
What do you do with the used wax stripper? - Mikey's Board
2007年10月19日 · Most floor strippers are hazardous/corrosive (which basically means deterioration to pipes and dangerous to people and organisms.) you should probably dispose of the floor stripper at a eco depo near you. If you want to know if the product is hazardous or not I suggest looking at the sds for the product you are using.