Top raid dps classes | EverQuest Forums - Daybreak Game Company
2024年5月24日 · For raid DPS parsing, the combined DPS does matter. For tanking, the stronger element does matter at most, and the capability to offtank weaker mobs is also something to …
List of builds that can do 42k+ DPS - Guild Wars 2 Forums
2023年8月25日 · With SOTO, many classes can do 42k+ benchmark now. Below is the list of classes that can do 42k+ (up to 49k) DPS against golem when played by the top players. This …
MegaThread:Top DPS Per EQ Expansion | EverQuest Forums
2019年1月15日 · Another great example would be Gore vs Sev vs Talendor. Gore makes melee useless speed bumps. Talendor marginalizes Fire focused DPS like Mages. Sev is kinda in …
Which mage pet and when? | EverQuest Forums - Daybreak Game …
2023年3月31日 · It can handle multiples and rare mobs. It can can handle mission mobs with no trouble. It takes a tremendous beating that the other pets can not take. The key to EQ is the …
Best dps class | DC Universe Online Forums - Daybreak Game …
2017年5月6日 · There is no DPS 'class' as all classes (Tank Healer Controller) have access to DPS, the secondary role is how we define the DPS as part of that 'class' What your asking is …
Who’s the best DPS merc that I can bring on quests with my healer?
2019年1月28日 · Cyrrena and I have been working on an apples-to-apples of all mercenaries. What we're doing is looking at the mercenaries while our toon is chronomentored to level 5, …
Best DPS Always Caster? | EverQuest Forums - Daybreak Game …
2015年6月19日 · The game is melee-quest for most of the 65-70 expansions. Generally, when the level cap goes through casters pull ahead as a result of the new spells, while melee gradually …
Which pet best DPS? | EverQuest Forums - Daybreak Game …
2016年12月1日 · I expressed my doubts because the gap between 60 dps and 120-160 dps seemed way too big to me. MotM in Luclin is only a -20% malus, so the nuke dps on a group …
DPS mercs | EverQuest Forums - Daybreak Game Company
2021年9月2日 · It baffles me that people think rog mercs are decent DPS. Casual players in a non-raid mish mash of gear should be putting out 2x their DPS or more without really burning. …
Perfectly balanced class 2023 | EverQuest Forums
2023年5月26日 · Agree on beast, assuming top tier dps is balanced where it is intended. Firm disagree on cleric, I think most of the population believes clerics need some love in the non …