Sorting out the different ESC brands - RC Groups
2010年12月31日 · If you ever wanted to not overpay for the Eflite 20 and 40amp "v2" brushless esc's (the ones with the bullets soldered right to the board, look at the Sky Holic esc's. They are the same and less money) The Hobbwing Platinum PRO (their latest and best esc's) class is also found under the following rebranded names Turnigy K-Force Exceed Momentum
Best 30A-50A ESC for a plane - RC Groups
2015年11月3日 · The ESC works pretty firn with 3S battery, only with 4S there is the problem... the ESC was prepared for multirotor (BLHeli soft), but it should not affect BEC... EDIT: I have just now connected a motor and receiver RC the ESC and supplied it with 15V, after 3mins is only warm (approx 20'C in my room).
Best ESC for 450 size heli - RC Groups
2011年3月3日 · Best ESC for 450 size heli. Hello, I will be using the Turnigy Typhoon 450H 2218H Heli Motor 3450kv motor ...
Dualsky GA2000R ....BEST ESC??? - RC Groups
2022年2月16日 · Dualsky GA2000R ....BEST ESC??? Okay my story/experience so far with the Dualsky GA2000R 480KV 28 pole motor on a Pilot Slick 67 inch and 2 Pilot Extra NG 67 inches I use a external Hobbywing UBEC to power the servos and a separate Schottky diode for a failsafe so even if the UBEC fails the internal BEC on the ESC will switch on.
Best ESC for GA3500R - RC Groups
2024年10月18日 · But I think this ESC version is not sold anymore, I can only find the V4 version. In their PnP 74" planes Skywing uses the same motor but combined with the Hobbywing(FLYFUN V5) 110A-HV. I am wondering if this is the best combination or if it might be better to combine the Dualsky motor with a Dualsky ESC.
Slash 2wd motor/esc upgrade options help - RC Groups
2020年10月7日 · I have learned the hard way in this hobby, "Way cheaper" often equals "cheap Chinese counterfeit cr ap" at best, and pure scam at worst. But - hobbywing does sell their ECS's to many car makers for their RTR OEM ESC. There are often kit breakers on Ebay that have hobbywing ESC's (sometimes with the car brand stamped on them) for a very good price.
Best ESC for 450 Heli - RC Groups
2008年5月12日 · The CC's are nice I have 5 of them (2 CC-25's, 2 CC-35's, 1 CC-45), the whole link thing and firmware update is the way to go but I have really grown fond of my Jeti Spin as of late, no need for an extra BEC, the Spin box is easy to use and field friendly unlike the laptop and the data recorder is a nice touch though it's not as jazzy as my eagletree but once again you don't need your laptop ...
Good reliable ESCs from 80 to 100 amp range with at least 5
2019年1月1日 · Buying a new esc for my new ultrastick 10 cc using a cobra motor 40 series requires 80 amp esc .would like more was looking at talon 90.maybe hobbywing ,or turnings.help. You are much better off and safer using OPTO, ESC's with small additional battery to …
List of esc's for edf planes - RC Groups
2015年2月9日 · The best esc I have used are the jeti esc simple to use and keep going. The problem is to expensive. Have been using hobby wing with good results. Recently tried the ztw mantis 60amp for the moment has work very good in a tomahawk viper 70mm 800 watts 4 s. Probably my good results is that I use them in a sport use and not high performance.
Dualsky GA2000R ....BEST ESC??? - Page 2 - RC Groups
2022年8月6日 · Run V71 on a Tribunus esc and it's damn near fool proof.. no timing guessing, throt cal, etc.. it's all done by a simple 2 minute long input of your time setting pole count, accel speed and selecting regular or complimentary timing-the esc takes care of it.