recommended best older small dozer - Heavy Equipment Forums
2012年4月21日 · Looking for recommendations on an older smaller dozer. I had a case 350 which was nice, sorta wish I never sold it. Like the 450C Case, its about as big as I would go. I suspect most here use bigger dozers, but any input on the subject would be great.
who makes the BEST dozer - Heavy Equipment Forums
2005年5月30日 · A around here smaller dozers are not used anything smaller than a D6 isn't used. Bulldozers in general really are not used on construction sites mostly in gravel mines. The gravel mines have tried Komatsu dozers they just don't stand up to running 20 hours a day 6 days a week. Most mines run a morning and afternoon shift each shift is around 10 ...
Track Loader to clear trees? Pros/Cons? - Heavy Equipment Forums
2015年10月6日 · I've cleaned up a lot of land, and the truth is, there is no one machine that is "best for the job". Dozers are great on the small stuff, track loaders and excavators on the bigger stuff. Excavators are extremely versatile, but again, …
Towing a small Dozer - Heavy Equipment Forums
2015年1月24日 · Hi guys, looking at purchasing a 25000lb trailer so I can move a small Dozer instead of having to keep contracting a rig to move it from job to job. My question is will I have enough truck to move it or will I have to purchase another truck as well. Right now I have a 2012 Chevy 2500HD ( 3/4 ton) with the duramax diesel.
Help: Info on AC 653? - Heavy Equipment Forums
2009年12月5日 · Joe: looks like yours in pretty good condition. I think the HD-4 or 653 was one of the best small dozers made. Compareing it to a JD 350 or Case 350 or a MF 200. I think they are alot eaiser to work on than some of the others. Of course it cant be compared to the 450 Case and JD. Mine had the ROPS and the side pannels for the engine.
komatsu reviews - Heavy Equipment Forums
2011年12月19日 · The dozers would run 10 - 12,000 OK with great maintenance and then they were completely worn out. There is no resale value to them so you either rebuild enough to keep running or try and trade them in on another machine. You will probably go through at least three undercarriages in 10,000 hours.
Choosing a farm dozer - Heavy Equipment Forums
2019年8月16日 · I have recently purchased some property that I plan to build on within the next year or two. I’ve been reading for a month or so on what dozer would best fit my needs and I can’t seem to decide. Here’s what I plan to do with it: grade a 1700’ driveway through a current ag field, make a pad for...
rubber tracked dozer - Heavy Equipment Forums
2010年8月12日 · This will allow all of our members to see your question and give you the best chance to be answered. After you've made a number of posts you will graduate to Full Member status where you'll see a few more privileges. Following these guidelines will help make this the best resource for heavy equipment on the net.
Best automatic transmission for 8.3 Cummins - Heavy Equipment …
2023年12月21日 · I am building a truck to haul a 20,000lb load on a 10,000lb trailer. Tellehandelers small dozers and ect. Can anyone recommend a heavy duty automa
Best dozer for spreading shot rock - Heavy Equipment Forums
2007年7月24日 · Our corporate maintenance manager was so mad when he heard about the project using those small dozers in the rock that he flew up to the site and fired the equipment superintendent, called in a couple of transports, and had the 7's hauled to my job in Western Pennsylvania. Boy, those Cat's were beat up bad and only 1800-2000 hours on the meters.