Best Practice TIG torch parameters for welding Aluminum
2022年3月23日 · I have been able to TIG weld all sorts of Aluminum but best practices with regard to torch setup are still a bit confusing to me. I have heard the following: Do not use a gas lens when TIG welding Aluminum. Use a small cup size. Use a large cup size. Use a gas flow of 30 scfh Use a maximum of 15 scfh etc., etc.
Favorite TIG torch - weldingweb.com
2016年10月22日 · Don't know where you heard that CK Worldwide is at the "bottom of the barrell". Dead wrong. CKW has among the top coolant capacity pound-per-pound of any hand TIG torch on the market. You apparent coolant "boiling" issue is either due to a flow blockage in the head/lines or the gpm output of your cooler's pump. Define this boiling you hear.
Can you recommend a torch for scratch-start tig? - WeldingWeb
2016年5月5日 · HF flowmeter about $40 comes with hose barb that Tig torch hose is pushed on to.. i would be wary of buying Seperate Tig torch and power block adaper and collets, cups etc. you might find it cheaper to buy welding machine with Tig torch. by the way welding machine is light and can carry one handed and is 165 amps at 40% duty cycle..
Coolant for TIG welding
2010年3月25日 · Automotive antifreeze is NOT recommended for use in a tig cooler for a multitude of reasons, HF only being one of them. Why do people even consider trashing a $600 cooler and a $200 torch by not buying the recommended coolant (about $20/gal at Miller4less).
Best Engine Drive Scratch Start TIG Setup? - WeldingWeb
2016年8月10日 · Alright y'all. Next week I'm going to pick up the equipment necessary to run scratch start TIG off of my SA-250. I'm soliciting opinions on the best arrangement. Here's my thoughts: CK rigid air cooled torch w/ gas valve. Gas valve is obviously required, I don't need a water cooler, I don't like flexible torches.
Superflex type tig hoses - diy - weldingweb.com
2018年12月31日 · Anybody ever build a set of tig hoses using the rubber style tubing? I found that arc-zone has all the fittings fairly cheap, just need the hose but haven't seen any anywhere. $200+ for just the 25' hoses seems pretty high to me, but maybe that's the going rate for the hose.
Tig torch cooler antifreeze. - WeldingWeb
2016年1月4日 · Re: Tig torch cooler antifreeze. For my Coolmate 3, would I need 3 gallons of the Miller coolant, or can I use 2 gallons plus 1 gallon of distilled water? Since it is rated for -37 degree as is, I am in Georgia and it rarely gets in the teens.
Tig For Miller Trailblazer? - WeldingWeb
2016年3月12日 · - Tig torch (17 or 26) - Way to connect torch to machine - Some sort or remote if you want one I ran lift arc on my new TB325 today and it was perfect. No remote needed with the 3 different tig functions on the machine.
Building A Tig Water Cooler For Dummies!!! - WeldingWeb
2014年8月14日 · I don't know if I would even build a tank. I figure if I was ever going to go tig and build a cooler I would just use a car radiator as both the cooler and the tank since a radiator can easily hold several quarts of coolant and is already built to dissipate tens of thousands of BTUs per hour with forced air.
ethelyne glycol based coolant for TIG welding machine water coolers
2023年8月11日 · I've used both, supposedly distilled water gets the best arc starts but I couldn't notice any difference at all. You can make basically the exact same thing as the miller coolant with some regular anti-freeze and distilled water. The miller coolant is just 55% ethylene glycol and "other" according to the SDS.