grammar - "One of the bests" vs "One of the best" - English …
2016年4月8日 · "Best" is a superlative adjective, so it uses the -est suffix, which doesn't pluralize. For example, you would always say: "Kate's a great racer. One of the fastest." Though she's among a set of fastest racers, you would never say she's one of the "fastests." The same construction applies to "best."
Is the usage "one of the better" correct and grammatical?
2014年10月2日 · Solution A is good, but Solution B is one of the better better is comparative, meaning that if you have 100 solutions and A is ranked 50th, B can be any of the solutions that are better than A, for example the 49th best one. If you state one of the best it …
It's one of the best [plural noun] that + has (or) have
2014年7月12日 · 'One of the best films that has ever been made'; 'Each person in the group is responsible for his work.'; 'Every student in the class is an adult.' I think modern writing would strike out the connector 'that has ever been made' as so much excess verbiage and let the sentence read 'It's one of the best films ever made.'
expressions - Get the best of VS Get the best out of - English …
2018年4月20日 · Get the best of your washing machine I understand that the washing machine might not be that good and that one will give me tips to get the best of it. Get the best out of your washing machine I understand that whether or not it is a good washing machine, one will give me tips to make it work at full capacity. Is that correct? Thx in advance,
Difference between "Warm regards" and "Best regards"
2011年11月2日 · However, when used as closing ; Warm regards and Best regards don't have much real meaning attached to them and are just polite ways to end a letter. In that way, they are much the same as sincerely.But for the opinion, I would say it's better to use "Best Regards" instead of Warm or warmest. One more thing, it's a reply to a specific comment here.
"the better" vs "the best" of two players - English Language
But where one player is being compared with another, the definite article is required, as in He was the better of the two players. You cannot say that one player is the best when only two are being compared.
Which one is correct, "best wishes to you" or "best wishes for you"?
2012年8月14日 · Best wishes to you is correct. I've never heard a native English speaker say "best wishes for you", and there are no examples of "best wishes for you" in the British National Corpus. "Best wishes for 2011" or "best wishes for the new year" are fine. For more examples, see Google or the British National Corpus.
When to use "1" vs. "one" for technical writing?
2017年7月21日 · I currently am in the middle of a discussion about the proper use for when to use the numeral "1" versus "one". There are two sides to this argument: 1) In technical writing, numerals should always be used. The company hired 4 interns, but the fifth 1 left. Patch management is 1 of the best ways... The client should create a 1-way trust
Word or Phrase for someone who pushes others to their full …
2016年4月5日 · One of my favorites, In computing, we mostly stand on each other’s feet. is attributed to Richard Hamming. According to this page, Hamming also said, The great scientists often … fail to continue to plant the little acorns from which the mighty oak trees grow.
"Best of luck" or "Best luck"? - English Language & Usage Stack …
2011年4月10日 · It really is short for I wish you the best of luck. Thus, you see why the of has to be there. The best of is a standard construction, e.g. make the best of it. Certainly, there are situations apart from the one you describe where best luck would be correct, e.g Among my competitors, I had the best luck in finding the missing balls.