Beta 57a vs. Beta 58a for vocals - Sound Forums
2012年5月9日 · Re: Beta 57a vs. Beta 58a for vocals The only difference between the 2 is the shape of the grille. The flat front of the 57 allows the user to get closer to the capsule, and get more proximity effect and gain.
Beta 57a vs. Beta 58a for vocals | Page 2 | Sound Forums
2011年8月7日 · I bought a SM58 replacement screen to try on one of my Beta 57a mics. At around two inches away, I don't hear any *big* difference. Maybe, it sounds (ever so slightly) smoother with the 58 screen on it. The mic is a bit louder with the Beta 57a screen, because of the shape of the screen putting you closer to the element.
Problems with the pins in Shure mics. Is it just us? What to do?
2011年10月25日 · What I discovered in testing the ends using Kevin's technique was that any female end with even marginally loose contacts inside its sockets cause a problem with these several types of mics. So far the problematic mics have been Shure Beta 87's (shocker) and AT condensers using the mini XLR to regular XLR cabling and preamps modules.
[FS] - Shure Beta 57a | Sound Forums
I have an extra Beta 57a that gets little use. $80 shipped from 22033 Please email wkessing AT gmail.com Thanks, Bill
[FS] - Shure SM58, Beta 57A | Sound Forums
(5) Shure SM58. $60/each (2) Shure Beta57a. $75/each All in good condition. Shipping from San Diego, CA. (619) 869-9409
[FS] - Wired Mics - AKG, AT, Beyer, Electro-Voice, Neumann, …
2016年4月19日 · Email 606mix at gmail dot com, no PMs please. Mics are located in Los Angeles and are in Very Good/Excellent condition unless otherwise noted. 2x AKG 414 XLS w/ Case, Shockmount, Clip, Windscreen @ $550 1x AKG C535EB @ $140 2x Audio Technica 897 Shotguns w/Windscreens @ $110 1x Beyer M201TG @...
[FS] - List of stuff that can go. | Sound Forums
2012年9月23日 · Have some items sitting here not being used as often as they should or bought in a pinch. Give me a shout if your interested in anything. Prices are negotiable on some of this stuff depending on how bad I want it out of here. Can provide pictures for anyone who wants. I have paypal or you can...
Regional Provider Microphone Selection | Sound Forums
2011年3月3日 · I'm looking to hear from both the local and the touring guys on this one: Were you to spec the microphone selection from scratch for a small but growing regional provider, what microphones would you choose? Note that I'm looking at this from a purely rider-friendly standpoint. I'm not...
Whats in your mic box and what your favorite? | Page 5 | Sound …
2011年2月3日 · Re: Whats in your mic box and what your favorite? It's not the gear, it's the ear Too bad the signature lines don't show up in the...
What to concentrate on - improving rig and skills | Sound Forums
2011年8月26日 · I've been doing the same 2 annual live sound gigs for 2 1/2 years now. When I started I didn't have a clue and now I'm only doing slightly better IMO. So I'm looking for suggestions both for adding to the rig and for improving the implementation. I really only need advice for the more...