Home | BEVA
BEVA is a world leading equine veterinary association with members across the globe. We are a highly regarded authority representing the industry at the highest level, running outstanding CPD and producing universally respected journals.
原创IP小河狸“贝瓦”系列,明星产品“贝瓦儿歌”,超过3万分钟的影音资源及1000种出版与多媒体材料。 布局儿童文学、音乐、动画、影视及互动娱乐,形成多样IP形态。 构建版权平台、媒体平台、盛典平台、电商平台,协同实现儿童内容的开放平台,为IP及版权的营销和发行提供高效通道。 全面布局“授权、玩具、出版”等衍生产品品类,以及“早教、游乐、演出”等衍生服务品类。 生产及授权衍生产品200余款,生活服务生态全新启动。 Copyright © 2010-2023 ProKids …
贝瓦网 - 百度百科
beva papa(贝瓦啪啪)是由学前教育权威专家指导,专业儿童产品设计研发团队倾心打造,依托系统而完 善的教育 发展体系(8+1儿童成长模式:8大能力培养+综合素质提升),通过寓教于乐的各种游戏、视频、互动画报以及活动,帮助孩子掌握儿童成长9大模块的47 ...
British Equine Vet Association (@beva_ltd) - Instagram
4,770 Followers, 187 Following, 1,110 Posts - British Equine Vet Association (@beva_ltd) on Instagram: "We represent and provide education to equine vets worldwide."
Veterinary Prescriptions - BEVA
Veterinary surgeons should provide a written prescription for horse owners on request unless medicines are not suitable for the treatment of a specific condition. We've provided guidance and resources to help you when providing a prescription.
2025年2月28日 · BEVApod Focus: Equine infectious diseases... have you caught up? With Kate Blakeman. BEVA's Junior Vice President, Kate Blakeman, talks us through the the new Infectious Diseases hub on the BEVA website.
𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗦𝘁𝘂𝗱𝗶𝗼 | Bold. Creative. Visionary. Presenting the ...
Visionary. 🪄 Presenting the logo design for Beva, DESIGNER GRAFICO – a brand that embodies the art of design with unmatched innovation and style. Every curve and line tells a story of creativity and precision.
Journals - BEVA
Our two world-leading veterinary journals publish high-quality, peer-reviewed research from around the world. Our journal podcasts feature interviews with authors and summaries of recently published research.
Identidade Visual | Beva Designer - Pinterest
Apresento a vocês a nova Béva Designer! 🩵 @bevadesigner. Bold, Edgy and Audacious Branding for a personal brand with flair. This motivational speaker, coach and entrepreneur now has branding that is professional yet has personality. We created the visual basis for this business to grow, scale and ultimately build their personal brand.
Beva Silicones Pvt Ltd
Beva Silicones Pvt Ltd develops silicone-based products for a myriad range of applications. Ever since its inception in 2008, Beva Silicones Pvt Ltd has been playing a vital role in exploiting the uniqueness of silicone materials, to develop unique solutions for the textile and coating industry.