EL PunkBuster me saca de los servidores ayuda por favor BF 3
Hola soy de Argentina hace una semana mas o menos el Punkbuster me saca de los servidores del BF 3 (Game disconnected: you were kicked by PunkBuster. Stated reason: PunkBuster kicked player 'Hangar18arg' (for 0 minutes) ... No Packet Flow ), Busque soluciones por todos lados y ninguno me sirvió ya n...
Battlefield 3 - Your connection to the server timed out
2014年1月23日 · Hello! Yesterday i tried BF 3 for the first time, on pc, and i had some problems to start with. I sorted it out and i was able to play the game. Today, i got another problem. Everytime i try to connect to a game, i can't because it says "ERROR Game disconnected: your connection to the server time...
Solved: BF3 wont start - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Solved: Hi there, after some years I decided to install Win 10 and reinstall BF3 from the DVD. I did it successfully, installed Origin etc but the
BF 3 on Windows Xp - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
2013年12月26日 · Bf3 cant run on Windows Xp, because Bf3 needs DirectX 10. I have downloaded DirectX 10 for Windows Xp, well some of you will say "There is no DX 10 for Windows Xp", but trust me, just search in the Google. Will Bf 3 run with this DirectX, please answer, im going to buy the game, i will very thank you to you if you answer this question.
BF3 via STEAM not launching 2023 - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Hello folks, My BF3 not launching via Steam. Other BF games work fine but BF3 . Origin is no longer an option. What caused this problem
DON't Shut down BF3 for ps3 - EA Answers HQ
What makes Battlefield 3 special isn’t just nostalgia; it’s the gameplay, the community, and the experience that no other game can fully replicate, not even newer Battlefield titles. Shutting down these servers would effectively erase years of friendships, dedication, and memories that we have built on this platform.
Battlefield 3 geht nicht mehr - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Der PC auf dem ich spiele wurde zum erscheinen von Bf 3 zusammengebaut und hat es tadellos ausgehalten. Das einzige was sich geändert hat ist die Grafikkarte von GTX 560ti zu GTX 1660 Super und von HDD zu SSD (Win7 zu Win10). Die Hardware sollte nicht das Problem darstellen, zumal ich Bf 3 ja über den Browser starten und spielen kann.
Solved: BF 3 Not working - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Hello I have a problem with BF3. If I want to play it, if I put a campaign, the game won't turn on. When I give an MP it starts to load and the steady game automatically shuts down and it keeps loading and then it throws this. Reinstal didn't help and …
Maus reagirt nicht in BF3 - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
habe ein problem das in Battlefield 3 meine maus im spiel nicht reagiert
bf 3 install - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
2012年12月28日 · Hi i built a new computer and cant install bf 3 do to message: (this code has already been used). i have my purshased game and would like to set it up on my new system. i also have changed service providers so i have a new email address. thanks Anthony