BISCO® BF-2000 Ultra Soft Silicone Foam - Rogers Corporation
BISCO BF-2000 Ultra Soft is a highly compressible silicone foam with the right combination of low weight and softness for applications requiring low closure force and dust sealing. BF-2000 …
BISCO® BF-2000 is a highly compressible, ultra soft silicone foam. The combination of low weight and softness makes it an ideal choice where low closure force and sealing are critical. The …
BF-1000 极柔硅胶泡棉 - rogerscorp.cn
BISCO BF-1000 超软多孔硅胶是高阻燃材料,非常适合用于户外密封,保护电子产品免遭震动和高热损害,同时可提供缓冲和隔振。 BF-1000 硅胶具有卓越的慢回弹性能和低应力松弛,可 …
BISCO® BF-2000 Ultra Soft is a highly compressible silicone foam. The combination of low weight and softness makes this flame retardant foam ideal for transportation, industrial, and …
BISCO® BF-2000 Ultra Soft is a highly compressible silicone foam. The combination of low weight and softness makes this flame retardant foam ideal for transportation, industrial, and …
BISCO® BF-2000 is a highly compressible, ultra soft silicone foam. The combination of low weight and softness makes it an ideal choice where low closure force and sealing are critical. The …
BISCO® BF-1000:超软硅胶泡沫 - 苏州展格新材料有限公司
2023年7月21日 · bisco® bf-1000:超软硅胶泡沫 Rogers Corporation 生产的 BISCO® BF-1000 有机硅泡沫非常柔软,适用于低压缩力和 UL 94 可燃性等级为关键要求的场合。 耐高温、耐紫 …
BISCO BF-1000 Extra Soft Silicone Foam | PowerRubber.com
2023年7月8日 · BF-1000 silicone’s excellent memory and low stress relaxation reduces maintenance costs from gasket failures caused by compression set and softening. Its extra …
BISCO® BF-1000 is a highly compressible, soft silicone foam. The combination of low weight and softness makes it an ideal solution where low closure force and sealing are critical. The …
Title: BISCO BF-1000 Soft CellularSilicone Data Sheet-最小文件 Author: Rogers Corporation Created Date: 7/14/2021 5:27:25 PM