BF FATTY - B-Flex America
BF FATTY SERIES is a high thickness thermo-transferable polyurethane film made to give graphics a three-dimensional effect. This material is recommended for application of logos or graphics on caps, sweatshirts and materials or fabrics with consistent surfaces.
BF PUFF Heat Transfer Vinyl for garment decoration - B-Flex Italia
The BF PUFF series consists of heat transfer vinyls with a special “popping” effect that activates during the heat press process, tripling its original thickness up to 500 microns. The wide range of colors , including those with Neon and Metallic finishes, allows for eye-catching customizations and three-dimensional details on cotton ...
[保温効果で暖かさ続く]BF HEATソックス | [公式]ベイフ …
履いている間、心地いい保温効果が持続する冬にぴったりな靴下。 快適な温度が持続する秘密は、足首全体に使用した発熱糸。 さらに、ウールブレンドの風合いのよい天然素材が配合された生地で足元をあたためます。 抗ピリング加工を採用しているため、繰り返し洗濯をしても毛玉になりにくく長く丈夫に使えるのもうれしいポイント。 つま先部分には抗菌防臭加工をしているため、蒸れからくるニオイも抑えてくれます。 各カラーで異なった単語が入っており、ギフト …
BF 700 Heat Transfer Vinyl for garment decoration - B-Flex Italia
BF 700: the easy to weed, high quality Heat Transfer Vinyl made in Italy. Discover the wide range of colors.
BF - ansyshelp.ansys.com
The heat generation rate loads specified with the BF command are multiplied by the weighted nodal volume of each element adjacent to that node. This yields the total heat generation at that node. In a modal analysis, the Floquet periodic boundary condition (FPBC) is only valid for the acoustic elements FLUID30, FLUID220, and FLUID221.
BF REFLEX - COLORS Heat Transfer Vinyl for garment decoration
Thanks to its special formulated thermo-adhesive, the BF REFLEX is suitable for technical and treated fabric and also for organic and synthetic garment. The BF REFLEX COLORED film combines the polyurethane layer with glass microspheres that allows light to be refracted. Organic, synthetic, mixed, nylon and treated fabrics. Cutting plotter: 60°.
Heat of Battle: RUSH mod for Battlefield 2 - ModDB
Heat of Battle is a BF2 mod focused on delivering top-tier animation, sound, and lighting, as well as fast-paced, intense gameplay.
Difference between MPAT and Heat shells : r/battlefield2042
2021年11月24日 · Heat is gonna need a extra shell against tanks. It's meant for infantry. Heat has a faster fire rate as well. Larger aoe lower armor pen values. What's the difference in terms of damage on other tanks? Am I sacrificing too much damage by equipping the Heat shell?
Air Cooled Heat Sinks - Solutions for Every Industry
Bonded-fin heat sink BF . Heat sinks with bonded fins are the ideal technology when complete design flexibility and a cost-effective, high-performance solution are required. The individual fins are glued into a slotted base plate. A thermally conductive epoxy adhesive ensures high mechanical and thermal performance.
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