Type B, BF or CF. Medical Device Classification - 601help
Type BF is less stringent than CF, and is generally for devices that have conductive contact with the patient, or having medium or long term contact with the patient. Type B is the least stringent classification, and is used for applied parts that are generally not conductive and can be immediately released from the patient.
Definitions & symbols used in IEC 60601 & 62353 - Rigel Medical
F-type Applied Parts are either type BF or type CF Applied Parts. Type B Applied Part - Applied Part complying with specified requirements for protection against electric shock. Type B Applied Parts are those parts, which are usually Earth referenced.
Glossary of symbols - Medtronic Diabetes
Symbols for use in the labelling of medical devices. Catalogue or model number: Indicates the manufacturer's catalogue number so that the medical device can be identified. ISO 15223-1, Clause 5.1.6: Medical devices — Symbols to be used with medical device labels, labelling and information to be supplied. ISO 7000- 2493
AP types (B/BF/CF) in the final product with proper evaluation. In order for ended medical electrical system to apply for desired AP types, Power Supplies must meet these 2 requirements which are (1) leakage current and (2) insulation between Secondary output to protective earth (FG). In AC-connected power supply there will be
Labeling/Marking Location for BF Symbol - Elsmar Cove Quality …
2017年5月3日 · Is the BF symbol REQUIRED to be located next to the connection point, or is it acceptable to be on the device in a visible location? Appreciate any insight or guidance you all can provide.
IEC 60417 - 5334, Defibrillation-proof type BF applied part - ISO
To identify a defibrillation-proof type BF applied part complying with IEC 60601-1. Image content : Lines - multiple straight; Squares - single; Other - single; Misc - any filled or shaded areas; Standardized objects - 5333,5336
IEC 60417 - 5333, Type BF applied part - International …
To identify a type BF applied part complying with IEC 60601-1. Image content : Squares - single; Misc - any filled or shaded areas; Recognizable objects - persons; Standardized objects - 5334
The definition of B, BF (Body Floated) and CF - BF applied to …
2012年11月15日 · whether BF or CF is based on where the applied part (AP) is used (internal or external is not the point). BF can be used to body other than cardiac. You can differentiate application of these two categories by wording, both words are acronym. BF is for " body floated" and CF is for "cardiac floated"
Markings and Documentation, IEC 60601-1, UL 2601-1
A symbol, according to the type of applied part, Type B, Type BF or Type CF, if relevant. For equipment with defibrillation-proof applied parts, the relevant symbol. The type and rating of fuses accessible from the outside of the equipment shall be marked adjacent to the fuse-holder
BSCI Symbols Glossary - Boston Scientific
The Boston Scientific glossary contains a visual representation, standard designation, title, reference number and descriptive meaning of symbols used on labeling for medical devices. Skip to main content