Change language from russian to english i BF3 - Answer HQ - EA …
The support told me to uninstallal the game and reinstall it because of one problem. I have bf3 in italian.I unistalled the game BUT there is only russian language available for download. So, thanks to the "support" I have no more the game. The "support" told me "oh, this is a bug".
Solucionado: BAIXO FPS SÓ NO BF3 - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
iaê, guys! to enfrentando um problema de baixo FPS no BF3 (coincidência ou não, após a atualização 1903 do WIN10) já desativei o DVR de jogos. V-sync desativado na placa e no jogo. fiz o teste no CS:GO e to com quase 200FPS, mas no BF3 ele fica entre 70-60. sendo que uns 3 dias atrás euu costumava...
bf3 spinning mouse - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
BF3, BF4, BF1, BFV DICE Friend tag awardee. Twitter: Ragnarok013. Message 2 of 5 (1,414 Views) Reply. 0 Re ...
DON't Shut down BF3 for ps3 - EA Answers HQ
Dear EA and the Battlefield Development Team, As a long-time player and part of a global community dedicated to Battlefield 3, I’m writing on behalf of many who share my concerns over the planned shutdown of Battlefield 3’s servers on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
BF3 MultiPlayer? - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Hi,so finally i got my gaming PC it's not brand new but it's awesome i run BF3 on high setting anywayz,the pc i bought came with BF3 installed in it i can open origin and gooffline and player BF3 Campcing There is no Multiplayer option on the main menu also i had bf3 on on my ps3 which i soled when ...
No me deja jugar a BF3 - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Buenas, tengo BF3 en pc desde hace mucho y siempre he jugado sin problemas pero desde que se ha actualizado la plataforma de origin a EA no puedo jugarlo, me dice que la cuenta no tiene el juego y cuando le doy a introducir la clave me dice que mi pc no tiene conexión a la red
BF3 freeze on quit, cant kill bf3.exe process, only reboot fix the ...
3 months ago i instaled my new pc, windows 8 pro x64 8 gb ram gtx 760 Ive been playing well, 1 month ago my game start to crash every time i quit a server, bf3 freeze. AND NOT ONLY BF3, MOHW too... i go to the task manager, end the task and bf3 closes. I …
Résolu : BF3 kicked by: PunkBuster windows 10 - Answer HQ - EA …
Depuis que j'ai passer sur windows 10, quand je rejoins un serveur punkbuster me kick et ensuite origin ouvre une page d'activation pour le jeu. j'ai obtenus le jeu lors de la promotion on the house
Maus reagirt nicht in BF3 - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
habe ein problem das in Battlefield 3 meine maus im spiel nicht reagiert
Re: BF3 Asking for activation code again - I don't have it.
Try this then post back please ... 1- Open Origin 2- Go to my games tab in origin 3- Right mouse click on BF3 4-Pick View Game Details 5- On Right side of new screen you will see your Product code