bd3 blunder vs bf7 - Chess Forums
2020年5月7日 · https://www.chess.com/analysis/game/live/4822887924. Beginner question... what is explanation for bd3 blunder? why is bf7 so much better? Am I missing a mate in 3 or …
Why is Bf7 the only correct move for the white bishop, when ... - Reddit
2022年9月30日 · Because on f7 he covers g8 and g6 while discovering check on Black's King, leading to mate after the only possible block. Bf7 blocks Kf8 and leads to a mating sequence. …
Please Analyze - Chess Forums - Chess.com
2013年7月13日 · Your opponent will be kicking themselves. 8. Bf7# was checkmate. Using the Bishop and Knight in that way to attack the f7 square (or f2 if black is attacking white) is very …
Does anybody know what these numbers mean? - Chess Forums
2016年9月1日 · Below is a copy and paste from Stockfish analysing a position. I understand the numbers in the " [ ]" type brackets, for example looking at the first line, 1 [-2.20] 48.... Bd7 is …
Why is bf7 better than nf7? Nf7 trades rook for knight while ... - Reddit
2021年7月19日 · Bf7+ leads to a powerful initiative worth more than an exchange and you're down a piece anyway you shouldn't be trying to pick up an exchange since 2 minor pieces are …
Bf7 - Training diary.
2021年6月10日 · About 3 years ago I played some games on chess.com and the last year I have played about 20 blitz games on Lichess.org. My intension now is only to play online and with …
r/chess on Reddit: So it was ⚪Bf7+ ⚫Kh8 ⚪Bxe8 ⚫Qxe8 and a …
2024年1月21日 · All about the game of chess, including discussions on professional tournaments, game analysis and theory. If you are new to the game, check out /r/chessbeginners and before …
5. Bxf7+ in the Traxler Counterattack? • page 1/1 • General Chess ...
2020年8月18日 · Bxf7+ is superior to Nxf7. It wins a clear pawn, stops black from castling, no long tricky forcing lines. Yes whenever I play nxf7 being greedy and even when I play kf1 not kxf2 I …
The Philidor Defense: Early Bxf7 | Chess Lessons - Chess.com
What happens when White tries a quick Bxf7 sacrifice in the Philidor? You might be surprised at how quickly the game can be lost. GM Ben Finegold teaches you this important opening idea.
3 Killer Chess Tactics Most Players Cannot Find
2014年8月1日 · Today we want to present a 3 more interesting tactical motifs that most chess players cannot find. Take a look at these problems and challenge yourself to solve it. Problem …