WIC Program regulations require WIC State and local agencies to create policies and procedures to ensure (1) breastfed infants receive a food package consistent with their nutritional needs; and (2) breastfeeding support and assistance is provided throughout the prenatal and postpartum period, particularly when the mother is most likely to need ...
Peer Counselor Contact Calculator | NCDHHS
A Peer Counselor must communicate routinely with women enrolled in the Breastfeeding Peer Counselor (BFPC) Program. The Peer Counselor Contact Calculator was created as a quick reference to know when the required and recommended contacts are due for prenatal and postpartum WIC participants.
Breastfeeding promotion and support are core functions of the WIC Program. This chapter describes policies and procedures related to the management of breastfeeding promotion and support activities within the WIC Program and within the WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counseling (BFPC) program. Section 1.
BFPC - ACL WIC Program
Breastfeeding Peer Counselors are here to help breastfeeding moms with any breastfeeding issues they might encounter. ACL WIC BFPC provide prenatal classes, which are held bi-monthly. Peer Counselors can make hospital and home visits if you are unable to …
Breastfeeding peer counseling (BFPC) funds that the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) distributes to State agencies are to be used to develop or expand activities necessary to sustain a peer counseling program based on the FNS WIC Breastfeeding Model for Peer Counseling.
WIC Breastfeeding Model Components for Peer Counseling
Designated breastfeeding peer counseling program managers and/or coordinators at State and/or local level. Defined scope of practice for peer counselors limited to supporting normal breastfeeding. Written job descriptions for peer counselors. Compensation and reimbursement of peer counselors.
WIC’s Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program is a cost-effective, evidence-based resource for pregnant women and new moms participating in WIC. The National WIC Association recommends increased federal support to make peer counselors available at all WIC locations, including full funding of the program at $90 million.
Breastfeeding Peer Counseling (BFPC) Coordinator: A designated WIC staff person who provides leadership to the local agency peer counseling program, trains and mentors Peer Counselors, monitors peer counseling services, and assists participants …
2024年2月20日 · The PA WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor (BFPC) Program shall operate in accordance with this policy to provide counseling, support, and other services which encourage breastfeeding for WIC participants. The requirements in this policy pertain to local agencies (LAs) that receive specific Peer Counselor Program funding.
WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor Program - TN.gov
A WIC Breastfeeding Peer Counselor (BFPC) provides mother to mother (paraprofessional) breastfeeding support and basic breastfeeding education. The BFPC program is available to WIC mothers who are pregnant or breastfeeding. BFPCs address barriers to breastfeeding by offering breastfeeding education, support, and role modeling.