OJ | Battle for Smash Ultimate DOJO!! Wiki | Fandom
OJ (also known as Orange Juice) is a playable character in Battle for Smash Ultimate. OJ is fighter #25.
Inanimate Insanity (universe) - Battle for Smash Ultimate DOJO!
2011年4月1日 · in bfsu Inanimate Insanity, given its legacy, is the second-most represented universe in Battle for Smash Ultimate, featuring 11 fighters (12 counting Nickel), including 6 (7 counting Nickel) contestants from Season 1, 4 from Season 2, and the host, MePhone4.
Battle for Smash Ultimate DOJO!! Wiki - Fandom
Welcome to the official BFSU wiki! this wiki is all about a FANMADE game about objects battling it out to see who is the last one standing! Before you start editing the page remember to read the rules!
Battle for Smash Ultimate | Object Shows Community | Fandom
Battle for Smash Ultimate is a crossover fighting game originally created by polypawns, but being currently made by Data McSponge. This game is a parody of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (just like the name suggests).
Juice Box | Battle for Dream Island Wiki | Fandom
Juice Box, also called OJ in the credits of Plan Dissolve Adhesive, is a contestant who participated in BFDI Mini Again. They were recommended in "The Reveal" by TopModelUniverse1, and in "Reveal Novum" by Kafasi97.
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Fighters | Battle for Smash Ultimate DOJO!! Wiki | Fandom
Only 7 playable fighters have won in their franchises. Firey won Battle for Dream Island, Flower won Battle for B.F.B., Pencil won Total Firey Island which is a comic that was released before BFDI, OJ won Inanimate Insanity, Shieldy won Brawl Of The Objects, Orager won TROC 3 and Windowy won Object Filler.