BHJ | Together we create sustainable ingredients and solutions
BHJ is an international supplier of raw materials and ingredients for the food, pet food, feed, pharmaceutical, and energy industries.
N-Style Bulkhead Jack to Plug Lightning Arrestor
ATS-00950 (former catalog number ATS-LP-N-BHJ-P). The AccelTex Solutions bi-directional gas discharge tube lightning arrestor protects outdoor equipment from the buildup and discharge of …
Our history - BHJ
BHJ was founded in 1969 with the primary objective of sourcing and processing raw materials from Danish slaughterhouses and fish producers for the food and pet food industries. During …
BHJ Canada | Increasing value in the meat and fish industry
BHJ Canada - Bolton. 24 Nixon Road, Bolton, Ontario L7E 1K3. Tel: +1-905-951-2030 [email protected]
Lightning Arrestor 0-6 GHz NJ-NBHJ - Rfwel Engr E-Store
Manufacturer Part Number: TW-LP-N-J-BHJ. This lightning suppressor is a gas discharge tube suppressor and features wide-band operation up to 6 GHz. Simply attach the lightning …
Ventev - 0 - 7 GHz Lightning Arrestor with N Female - Tessco
Ventev’s lightning arrestor is a bi-directional gas discharge tube suppressor that features wideband operation up to 7 GHz. Simply attach the lightning protector to an access point to …
0-7 GHz Lightning Arrestor with N Female to N Female Bulkhead ...
Ventev’s Lightning Arrestor is a bi-directional gas discharge tube suppressor that features wide-band operation up to 7 GHz and is rated at IP67. Simply attach the lightning protector to an …
TerraWave's lightning suppressor is a gas discharge tube suppressor and features wide-band operation up to 6 GHz. Simply attach the lightning protector to an access point to help protect …
The AccelTex Solutions bi-directional gas discharge tube lightning arrestor protects outdoor equipment from the buildup and discharge of static electricity that affects the operation and …
纳米人 - m.nanoer.net
武汉理工大学刘丹等人采用p 型体异质结(p-BHJ,即 PCBM 掺杂的 PTAA)和 n 型 BHJ(n-BHJ,即 PBDTTT-C-T 掺杂的 PCBM)电荷转移复合物分别用作空穴和电子传输层,以制造 …