BHZ51 系列防爆转换开关 (ⅡB、ⅡC、DIP)-沈海防爆
广泛用于石油开采、炼油、化工、军工等危险环境及海洋石油平台、游轮等场所。 电缆外径:φ mm-φ22mm。 钢管或电缆布线。
BHZ51 series explosion-proof transfer switch (II C, DIP)
Built-in transfer switch, used in electric circuits with current below 25A, as a power supply to introduce switches, and can control motor starting, stopping, etc.; This product is a 3-pole …
NSF SAGE: SEED Channel Naming - IRIS
Measures the magnetic field where the instrument is sitting. They measure the part of the field vector that is aligned with the measurement coil. Many magnetometers are three axis. The instrument will typically be oriented to local magnetic north. The dip and azimuth should describe this in terms of the geographic north.
SMT、PCB、PCBA、DIP的认解 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
dip封装技术在从芯片插座上插拔时应特别小心,以免损坏管脚。 特点有:多层陶瓷双列直插式dip,单层陶瓷双列直插式dip,引线框架式dip(含玻璃陶瓷封接式,塑料包封结构式,陶瓷低熔玻璃封装式)等等。
rdseed 用法笔记 - SeisMan
2015年10月13日 · Azimuth/Dip Reversal found FURI.BHZ, Data inversion was not selected 该警告表示,根据分量的 cmpaz 和 cmpinc 检测到当前分量是负极性,但不对数据作极性校正。 这种情况下使用 -z 1 选项,会修改数据的正负号,并将台站角度修改为正极性方向。
BHZ Series Explosion-Proof Transfer Switch (IIB, IIC)-- Nanyang …
BHZ Series Explosion-Proof Transfer Switch (IIB, IIC) can be used as a power supply switch in the electrical circuit of voltage: 220 ~ 380V, current 10 ~ 60A, and can control the start, stop, shift, reversing of the motor.
Hot-dip coated sheet Z from thyssenkrupp is a quality sheet protected against corrosion by a firmly adhering zinc coating. The cold rolled sheet is continuously coated by immersion in a bath of molten zinc. Hot-dip galvanized sheets in accor - dance with DIN EN 10346 are available with different coa --ding on the intended use.
DIP基础知识 | DIP与THT 波峰焊详解工艺介绍 - htcxpcb.com
深度解析DIP波峰焊工艺及常见焊接不良现场与解决方案,你值得 …
2020年1月2日 · 波峰焊是种借助泵压作用,使熔融的液态焊料表面形成特定形状的焊料波,当插装了元器件的装联组件以定角度通过焊料波时,在引脚焊区形成焊点的工艺技术。 一台波峰焊机,主要由传送带、加热器、锡槽、泵、助焊剂发泡(或喷雾)装置等组成。 主要分为助焊剂添加区、预热区、焊接区、冷却区,如下图所示。 组件在由链式传送带传送的过程中,先在焊机预热区进行预热 (组件预热及其所要达到的温度依然由预定的温度曲线控制)。 实际焊接中,通常还要控制 …
ZM Ecoprotect® from thyssenkrupp is the new generation of zinc-magnesium-based coatings for interior and exterior parts in the automotive industry. ZM Ecoprotect® delivers improved formability, reduces adhesive wear in the die and ultimately reduces downtime for die cleaning.