国际仲裁中心的核心价值是通过对贸易、投资,乃至疆界、能源等国际争端解决领域不同资源的汇聚,搭建国际规则制定、完善和适用的“平台”;通过争议解决过程积累全球治理的人才、规则与经验,提升中心所在地的国际影响力和竞争力。 作为连接世界各地商业活动的桥梁,国际仲裁中心代表和营造的是国际化、法治化、市场化的营商环境,并正以其全球化的服务能力和基础设施,成为促进国际经贸交往的重要平台和国际化营商环境的重要指征。 阶段性成果 北京定位于建设“服 …
Beijing Arbitration Commission Arbitration Rules - bjac.org.cn
(1)The Beijing Arbitration Commission (the “BAC”) is an arbitral institution, registered in Beijing, China, to resolve contractual disputes and other disputes over property rights and interests between natural persons, legal persons and other organizations. (2)The BAC is also known as the Beijing International Arbitration Center (the “BIAC”).
BAC/BIAC Held a Press Conference on Establishing BAC/BIAC as a …
On the morning of December 10, 2024, the Beijing Arbitration Commission/Beijing International Arbitration Court (hereinafter referred to as "BAC/BIAC") held a press conference on "Establishing BAC/BIAC as a World-Class Arbitration Institution and Advancing Beijing as an International Commercial Arbitration Hub".
北京仲裁委员会(又名北京国际仲裁中心,英文简称BAC/BIAC)于1995年9月28日设立,在1998年率先实现了自收自支,并在2018年被中华人民共和国最高人民法院首批纳入“一站式”国际商事纠纷多元化解决机制。 经过二十余年的发展,北仲已日益成为国际主要的仲裁机构之一。 北仲聘有不同行业领域仲裁员627名,其中包括境外仲裁员162名,可提供独立、公正、专业、高效、卓越的争议解决服务。 截至2019年12月31日,北仲共受理案件总数45,197件,受理案件标的总 …
Beijing Arbitration Commission / Beijing International Arbitration ...
2021年7月25日 · The Beijing Arbitration Commission, also known as the Beijing International Arbitration Center (the “BAC” / “BIAC“) is an independent, non-profit organization based in Beijing, China, offering services in the fields of arbitration, mediation and …
Beijing Arbitration Commission (BAC) - 2020) - Global …
2020年2月4日 · Since 1998, the BAC/BIAC has become the first self-funded arbitration institution in China. Since 2018, it has been included in the China International Commercial Court’s “one-stop” diversified international commercial dispute resolution mechanism as one of …
Beijing Arbitration Commission ( Beijing International Arbitration …
In 1998, the BAC/BIAC became the first self-funded arbitration institution in China. Since 2018, it has been included in the “One-stop” Diversified International Commercial Dispute Resolution Mechanism as one of the first institutions by the Supreme People’s Court …
Tokyo Event Introduction
Since 2013, the BAC/BIAC has also organized correlated Annual Summits in international arbitration hubs in Europe, North America and Asia, providing a platform for insightful dialogue between domestic and foreign professionals and a window for international practitioners to understand the forefront of dispute resolution in China.
Guide to Regional Arbitration (volume 12 - 2024) - Global …
2024年9月16日 · The BAC/BIAC’s current arbitration rules incorporate advanced practices of international arbitration, such as interim measures, emergency arbitrators, virtual hearings, joinder of additional parties and consolidation of arbitration cases.
BAIC Group - Wikipedia
Beijing Automotive Group Co., Ltd. (BAIC, formerly as Beijing Automotive Industry Corporation) is a Chinese state-owned automobile manufacturer headquartered in Shunyi, Beijing. Founded in 1958, [2] it is the sixth largest automobile manufacturer in China, with 1.723 million sales in 2021.