Belief into Action Scale: A Comprehensive and Sensitive Measure of ...
2015年8月25日 · The Belief into Action Scale (BIAC) is a new scale developed in response to concerns that many religious measures only superficially assess the level of religiosity and often have ceiling effects in populations known to be highly religious (Blacks, other ethnic minorities, Middle Eastern groups, etc.) [2,3,4]. The BIAC was designed to increase ...
(PDF) Belief into Action Scale: A Comprehensive and
2015年8月25日 · PDF | We describe here a new measure of religious commitment, the Belief into Action (BIAC) scale. This measure was designed to be a comprehensive and... | Find, read and cite all the research...
The Belief into Action Scale (BIAC) [1] is a new scale developed in response to concerns that many religious measures only superficially assess the level of religiosity and often have ceiling effects in populations known to be highly religious (Blacks, other ethnic minorities, Middle Eastern groups, etc.) [2–4]. The BIAC was designed to ...
Scholars@Duke publication: Belief into action scale: A …
2015年8月25日 · We describe here a new measure of religious commitment, the Belief into Action (BIAC) scale. This measure was designed to be a comprehensive and sensitive measure of religious involvement that could discriminate individuals across the religious spectrum, and avoid the problem of ceiling effects that have haunted the study of highly-religious ...
2014年12月23日 · In response to this concern and the need to develop a measure capable of quantifying the full range of reli-gious involvement, we developed a 10-item Belief into Action (BIAC) scale composed of new items and those from existing scales, and expanded response options to increase sensitivity and variability (i.e., 1 to 10 for each item with a total...
Belief into Action Scale: A Brief but Comprehensive Measure of ...
In response to this concern and the need to develop a measure capable of quantifying the full range of religious involvement, we developed a 10-item Belief into Action (BIAC) scale composed of new items and those from existing scales, and expanded response options to increase sensitivity and variability (i.e., 1 to 10 for each item with a total ...
Belief into Action Scale: A Brief but Comprehensive Measure of ...
2015年1月22日 · Results suggest the BIAc has adequate convergent, divergent, and incremental validity compared to other well-established questionnaires and is appropriate for the inpatient setting. We describe here a new measure of religious …
Assessing Religious Commitment in a Multicultural Inpatient …
2021年3月12日 · The 10-item Belief into Action (BIAc) scale was developed to quantify a full range of religious-related behaviors, increase sensitivity and variability, and overcome a ceiling effect often seen in other measures (Koenig et al., 2014). It was designed to discriminate levels of religious commitment capturing the three major dimensions of ...
Belief into Action Scale: A Brief but Comprehensive Measure of ...
2015年1月1日 · Methods: A convenience sample of female caregivers of those with chronic disabling illness, recruited from North Carolina and California, completed a questionnaire including a new 10-item scale...
Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Moroccan Arabic …
2020年11月3日 · The Belief into Action (BIAC) Scale was designed to focus specifically on religiosity, including its cognitive and behavioral commitments, organizational activities with others, and private devotional activities. The BIAC determines the extent to which God is central to a person’s life above all other interests.