Biceps pulley | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2023年3月23日 · The biceps pulley is a capsuloligamentous complex that stabilizes the long head of biceps tendon within the bicipital groove. It comprises the coracohumeral ligament, superior glenohumeral ligament, and distal attachment of the subscapularis tendon.
Biceps anchor / SLAP classifications - ShoulderDoc
Biceps anchor / SLAP classifications. 1. SLAP lesions: Snyder classification 2. SLAP lesions: Maffet classification 3. Morgan classification 4. Variations of Biceps anchor: Vangsness
SLAP Tears and Biceps Tendon Injuries — Huang Orthopaedics
The long-head of the biceps tendon travels into the shoulder joint and attaches to a soft tissue anchor called the labrum of the shoulder. The biceps acts to flex the elbow, rotate the forearm, and to center the humeral head (ball) in the glenoid (socket).
Biceps Tenodesis (Tendon Surgery): Procedure Details & Recovery
2021年9月24日 · Your surgeon uses a suture anchor to push your bicep tendon into the hole in your upper arm bone. This technique is the screw fixation technique. Your surgeon closes your incision.
Biceps Tendonitis and Superior Labral Tear (SLAP)
Depending on the patient and the specific injury, treatment could include: Arthroscopic repair of the SLAP tear with anchor to sew the torn labrum back to the shoulder socket. The repair uses absorbable anchors that are placed into the socket near the labrum.
SLAP Lesion - Shoulder & Elbow - Orthobullets
2025年1月23日 · A SLAP lesion (Superior Labrum from Anterior to Posterior tear) generally occurs as result of overuse injury to the shoulder in overhead athletes or traumatic falls in older patients and can result in deep shoulder pain and biceps tendonitis.
SLAP Lesion - Physiopedia
Four types of SLAP lesions involving the biceps anchor are identified: Degenerative fraying with no detachment of the biceps insertion. Detachment of the superior labrum and biceps from the glenoid rim, hence, devoid of cartilage in the zone of injury. Most common form of lesion.
Pathology of the Long Head of the Biceps Tendon | Radsource
Imaging of the biceps anchor relies primarily on coronal oblique images. The rotator interval structures including the biceps pulley and traversing long head of the biceps tendon are best evaluated with sagittal oblique images (8a).
Bicipital-labrum complex - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The bicipital-labral complex (BLC) or biceps anchor is a conjoined structure that originates from the supraglenoid tuberosity and partly from the superior labrum, where the fibrous tissue of the labrum blends with the biceps tendon and having a common attachment with the superior glenohumeral ligament.
Biceps Normal Anatomy - ShoulderDoc
Biceps Anchor This region corresponds to the origin of the long head of biceps. The biceps tendon originates from both the supraglenoid tubercle and superior labrum , [37,56] with many variations having been described.