Bie Jia - 鳖甲 - Carapax Trionycis - American Dragon
Bie Jia primarily enters the Liver channel with a stronger ability to enrich Yin and soften areas of hardness and is used for gynecological conditions, such as abdominal masses and clumping around the flanks. It is salty, cold and green so it enters the Liver. it treats illnesses related to the Liver channel Blood level.
Bie Jia - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · Bie Jia (Carapax Trionycis)——Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing (Shen Nong’s Herbal) The back shell of the animal Trionyx sinensis Wiegmann of family Trionychidae. Most areas in the south of China. Wild or cultivated. Captured all the year round, killed, shelled and sun-dried. Slight raw meat smell, slightly flavor. Big, thick, shell, clean, without carrion.
Bie Jia (Softshell turtle shells) in Chinese Medicine
Bie Jia is a king ingredient in Qin Jiao Bie Jia San. Like the name indicates, it means it has more power than other ingredients in the formula. In Qin Jiao Bie Jia San, Bie Jia clears Heat while enriching the Yin as well as dispels Wind while supporting the normal Qi.
鳖甲 - 中药材 - 中医世家
本品为鳖科动物 鳖 Trionyx sinensis Wiegmann的 背甲。 全年均可捕捉,以秋、冬二季为多,捕捉后杀死,置沸水中烫至背甲上的硬皮能剥落时,取出,剥取背甲,除去残肉,晒干。 本品呈椭圆形或卵圆形,背面隆起,长10~15cm,宽9~14cm。 外表面黑褐色或墨绿色,略有光泽,具细网状皱纹及灰黄色或灰白色斑点,中间有一条纵棱,两侧各有左右对称的横凹纹8条,外皮脱落后,可见锯齿状嵌接缝。 内表面类白色,中部有突起的脊椎骨,颈骨向内卷曲,两侧各有肋骨8条, …
Bie Jia 鱉甲 - herbguide
Bie Jia is a popular choice today to address gynecological masses due to blood stasis. Its unblocking the menses function is used to address amenorrhea, a common complaint seen in clinical practice. Source
BIE JIA - Chinese Medicine Wiki.org
BIE JIA » BIE JIA Fold Unfold. Table of Contents. Nomenclature. Properties: Dosage and Toxicity. Functions. Google Image Search. Preparation and Processing. Cautions and contraindications. Clinical Research and studies. Formulas that include this herb. Sources. Carapax Trionycis ...
鳖甲胶,鳖甲胶的功效与作用_中药鳖甲胶_鳖甲胶是什么_鳖甲胶的 …
滋阴, 补血, 退热, 消瘀。 治 阴虚 潮热, 久疟 不愈, 症瘕 疟母, 痔核 肿痛。 药名. 鳖甲胶. 汉语拼音. bie jia jiao. 英文名. Soft-shelled Turtle shell glue, glue of fresh-water turtle shell. 拉丁植物动物矿物名. 1.Trionyx sinensis (Wiegmann) 2.Trionyx steindachneri Siebenrock. 归经. 肺;肝;肾经. 功效. 滋阴 退热;软坚散结. 考证. 出自《卫生宝 鉴》 科属分类. 鳖科. 拉丁文名. Colla carapax Trionycis. 主治. 阴虚 潮热;虚劳 咳血;久疟;疟母;痔核 肿痛; 血虚 经闭. 生态环境.
鳖甲_中药材_药源网 - yaopinnet.com
【拼音名称】Bie Jia 【别名】上甲、鳖壳、甲鱼壳、团鱼壳、团鱼盖、团鱼甲、鳖盖子。 【科属】本品为鳖科动物鳖的背甲。 【产地】生活于湖泊、河流、池塘及水库等水域,除新疆、宁夏、青海、西藏等地未见报道外,广泛分布于全国各地。
Bie Jia – Turtle Shell (Salt-water, Soft-shelled, Dorsal Aspect)
2013年5月23日 · However, Bie jia is more effective at treating palpable abdominal masses, and is less apt (than Gui ban is) to cause stagnation. • Cook 30 minutes longer than other herbs. • Liu: stronger than Gui ban at subduing rising liver Yang (but see below)
Principle, a great reference for researchers. 中国传统医学百科全书,内容收录涵盖了从方剂,中草药,中药成分,靶向基因,疾病的多个方面的知识与科普,从多个层次与角度立体式的表现出它们相互之间的作用与原理,对科研人员有很大的参考价值.