Rock mass rating - Wikipedia
The rock mass rating (RMR) is a geomechanical classification system for rocks, developed by Z. T. Bieniawski between 1972 and 1973. [1] Since then it has undergone multiple modifications out of which, RMR89 [1] is commonly used. Recently RMR14 [2] has been proposed to improve the RMR performance by incorporating new experiences from tunnel ...
Most of the multi-parameter classification schemes (Wickham et al (1972) Bieniawski (1973, 1989) and Barton et al (1974)) were developed from civil engineering case histories in which all of the components of the engineering geological character of the rock mass were included.
This engineering classification system, which was developed by Bieniawski in 1973, utilises the following six rock mass parameters: 1. Uniaxial compressive strength of intact rock material. 2. Rock quality designation (RQD). 3. Spacing of discontinuities. 4. Condition of discontinuities , given as 4a Length, persistence . 4b Separation . 4c ...
Hoek-Brown 强度准则 - 百度百科
Bieniawski (1989) published a set of guidelines for the selection of support in tunnels in rock for which the value of RMR has been determined. These guidelines are reproduced in Table 4.5. Note that these guidelines have been published for a 10 m span horseshoe shaped tunnel, constructed using drill and blast methods, in a rock
Classification of Rock Masses for Engineering: The RMR System …
1993年1月1日 · The RMR system (also called the Geomechanics Classification), proposed by Bieniawski in 1973 [9], and the Q system proposed by Barton et ale [7] in 1974, also include different parameter ratings but, in addition, both provide quantitative data for the selection of modern tunnel reinforcement measures such as rock bolts and shotcrete.
(PDF) Review of rock mass rating classification: Historical ...
2008年1月1日 · In 1973 Bieniawski was the first who developed the rock mass ratin g (RMR) system (CSIR known as the South African Council of Scientific and Industrial Resarch), and sustained its de velopment...
Rock Mass Rating calculation (RMR) - MiMaEd
Bieniawski (1976) published the details of a rock mass classification called the Geomechanics Classification or the Rock Mass Rating (RMR) system. Over the years, this system has been successively refined as more case records have been examined and the reader should be aware that Bieniawski has made significant changes in the ratings assigned ...
A generic method for rock mass classification - ScienceDirect
2018年2月1日 · From the RMR value, the rock load and rock support can be estimated from a support table presented in Bieniawski (1973). The rock load equation in Bieniawski's system is described as (2) P RMR = B D 100 − R M R 100 where B is the gallery width of opening area in m, and D is the rock density in t/m 3. This system does not consider any ...
RMR - 百度百科
RMR是岩体力学中的岩石分类方法,即岩体地质力学分类。 该方案由宾尼亚夫斯基(Bieniawski)于1973年提出,包含:岩块强度、RQD值、节理间距、节理条件、地下水这5个参数。 分类时,根据各类参数的实测资料,按照标准分别评分;然后将各类参数的评分值相加得岩体质量总分RMR值;再按节理分类对其进行修正;最后,用修正后的RMR值将岩体分级。 一种岩石质量评价及分类方法,即南非科学和工业研究委员会提出的CSIR岩体地质力学分类指标值。 …
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