Big lattices of hereditary and natural classes of linear modular ...
2021年8月24日 · A class which behaves like a lattice but is not necessarily cardinable is called a big lattice. Alvarado, A., Rincón, H. and Ríos, J. showed in that the collection of all classes in …
On the lattice of conatural classes of linear modular lattices
2023年9月21日 · We introduce the big lattice of conatural classes in \ (\mathcal {L_ {M}}\), and we obtain some results about it, paralleling the case of R -Mod and arriving at its being boolean. …
(PDF) Big lattices of module classes induced by preradicals
2019年12月1日 · We introduce new big lattices of classes of R-modules induced by suitable preradicals, the big lattice of σ-hereditary classes, the big lattice ofσ-cohereditary classes, and …
The lattice structure of preradicals III: operators
2004年6月1日 · In that paper, we defined several preradicals associated to a given preradical: we defined annihilators, equalizers, co-equalizers and totalizers in terms of the product and …
Big lattices of hereditary and natural classes of linear modular lattices Sebasti´an Pardo-Guerra, Hugo A. Rinc´on-Mejia and Manuel G. Zorrilla-Noriega Abstract. The collection of hereditary …
The big lattice of torsion theories is denoted by R-TORS (see [14], Chapter VI), and the lattice of hereditary torsion theories is denoted by R-tors (see [9]). Often it will be convenient to identify …
In this paper we will use the term big lattice to mean a nite lattice which is a maximal sublattice in an in nite lattice, and small lattice for a nite lattice which is not big. Our main result provides an …
Lattice structures have been used for many years in spanning large areas with few intermediate sup- ports. These structures can combine low cost with light weight and an esthetically …
论文阅读:《LatticeNet: Towards Lightweight Image ... - CSDN博客
2024年12月1日 · 在本文中,我们提出了一种网格块(lattice block),这是一种经济的结构,有利于轻量级模型的设计。 它具有多种组合两个残差块(RBs)的潜力,这些组合得益于组合系数 …
(PDF) Lattices With Large Minimal Extensions - ResearchGate
2001年5月7日 · In this paper we will use the term big lattice to mean a finite lattice which is a maximal sublattice in an infinite lattice, and small lattice for a finite lattice which...