Discover the Largest Moose Ever Caught in Maine - A-Z Animals
2023年5月8日 · According to the Boone and Crocket Club’s record, the largest moose ever caught in Maine scored 220 3/8. In 2002, James T. Robertson caught this massive animal. …
What‘s the Biggest Moose Ever Shot in Maine? - 33rd Square
2023年10月24日 · According to official records kept by the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, the largest moose ever harvested in Maine was brought down in 2016 by avid …
The Top 40 Biggest Moose Ever Taken - Outdoor Life
2012年2月14日 · There's been no better record keeper of massive bullwinkles than the Boone and Crockett Club, which divides its book into Alaskan/Yukon moose and Canada moose. …
Moose Size: How Big Are They? 2024 - Maine Terrain
2022年5月11日 · Where are the Biggest Moose in Maine? Moose can be seen throughout the state, but their population is greatest in the Western Lakes and Mountains, The Kennebec …
Moose: Mammals: Species Information: Wildlife: Fish & Wildlife ... - Maine
The largest member of the deer family, moose stand up to seven feet tall, sporting dark brown fur and a shoulder hump. Female moose (3.5+ years old) average 836 pounds and the average …
What’s the biggest moose ever shot in Maine? - Remodel or Move
The biggest moose ever shot in Maine was a bull taken in 2009 that measured 603 inches. The hunter who took the moose, Rich Walley, also holds the Maine state record for biggest bull …
Largest Moose Shot in Maine : Uncovering the Mighty Beast!
2024年2月24日 · A massive 1,200-pound male moose was successfully harvested, setting a new benchmark for the largest moose taken in Maine. The news spread quickly, sparking …
Discover the 9 Largest Animals in Maine, and Where You’ll Find …
2023年7月29日 · Moose can be found in areas near water as they are very capable swimmers. The largest land mammals in Maine are moose which weigh approximately 1,500 pounds. …
Where Was The Biggest Moose Ever Shot?
In late November of 2011, a hunter by the name of Tom Suchy shot the largest moose ever recorded. The moose was taken in Maine and weighed in at an incredible 1,852 pounds. The …
Maine Moose Population: How Many Are There? - TrailBlissHub
2024年12月10日 · So, just how many moose are there in Maine today? According to the latest estimates, the state is home to around 50,000-60,000 moose. While this number may seem …