Through this paper we aim to highlight the importance of the traditions and the role of folk dance in Bihor County, as well as the benefits they have on the personal development of the dancers.
Folk Costume of Bihor County, Romania - The Philatelist
The folk costume of Bihor County in Romania represents the artistic heritage of the region. The intricate embroidery is a skill passed down through generations, preserving techniques that are unique to this area. Each design element symbolizes …
Aspects of the practice of folk dance in Bihor Region
2022年6月30日 · Romania has a wide range of games, dances and costumes inherited from tradition, perpetuated through repertoire and ethnography, which convinced us to address and highlight the important role of...
Typology - Folkwear Society
Specific to the ethnographic areas of Banat, Hunedoara, parts of Bihor (Crișana) — these folk blouses display no altiță. There is, however, a combination of altiță and tablă-like embroidered râuriin parts of Muntenia — especially Muscel and Argeș.
Aspects of the practice of folk dance in Bihor Region - Tradition …
Romania has a wide range of games, dances and costumes inherited from tradition, perpetuated through repertoire and ethnography, which convinced us to address and highlight the important role of the traditions, folk dances in Bihor County, the beneficial effect that they have in the personal development of the dancers.
Bihor County - Asociatia Folclor Fara Frontiere - Google Arts
These violins were found in Nasaud, Mures, Banat and Bihor counties, but today are present only in Bihor, where folk music bands adopted the horn violin for its ability to amplify its sound;...
Traditii si mestesuguri autentice din Bihor - rasfoiesc.com
Nu cu prea mult timp in urma (bunicii mei) orice gospodarie taraneasca se facea remarcata prin obiecte traditionale autentice, cum ar fi: icoane pe sticla sau lemn, obiecte utile impletite din panusi, stuf ori nuiele, porti din lemn incrustate, oale, farfurii, ulcioare din lut, tesaturi si broderii e.t.c. Fala oricarui satean erau straiele roman...
Dumneazu: Dorel Codoban 1944-2012. Master of the Vioara cu …
Dorel was more than a simple folk fiddler. He was the center of a cultural scene that represented his region – the Transylvanian region of Bihor – and the unique regional culture that still thrives in the mountains there.
Vintage Romanian traditional clothing , folk costume from Bihor …
Cut: Maintains the traditional A-line or bell-shaped silhouette typical of Bihor blouses. The set includes a newly crafted front apron, faithful to the design and features of traditional Bihor aprons, completing the ensemble with authenticity.
Artă populară - Centrul de Cultură al Județului Bihor
ANSAMBLURI POPULARE DIN JUDEŢUL BIHOR. Evidenţa ansamblurilor este realizată pentru fiecare subzonă etnografică a județului Bihor, pe fiecare localitate aferentă acestora, în parte, în ordine alfabetică. Baza de date este actualizată conform informaţiilor deţinute la data de 1 …
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