Egyptian Pharaohs : Old Kingdom : Dynasty 5 : Niuserre - Phouka
There are structures that are 3000-4000 years old made of mud brick that still stand all over Egypt. The sun temple has many inscriptions that show the Sed festival of the king and his relationship to the sun god, Re. Because of the detail level of his monument, it is assumed that he solar cult reached it's zenith during the reign of Niuserre.
King Niuserre - UCL
Golden Falcon name: Bik-nub-netjery Prenomen: Niuserre Nomen: Ini: Burial place: Pyramid at Abusir (called Men-isut-Niuserre)
斯尼夫鲁 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
斯尼夫鲁 (希腊人称之为 索利斯 "Soris")是 埃及第四王朝 的创建者。 现今对他的统治时期有着多种不同的估计,如《牛津古埃及历史》认为其统治期大约在公元前2613年-公元前2589年之间, [3] 长约24年;而鲁尔夫·克劳斯和斯塔德曼则分别认为其统治期长为30年和48年。 [4][4] 他至少修建了三座著名的金字塔——梅朵母金字塔(已毁)、曲折金字塔和红金字塔(又名北金字塔),并在金字塔的设计和施工上进行了重大的改进。 斯尼夫鲁是埃及第四王朝的第一位 法老,据 曼 …
Egyptian Pharaohs : Old Kingdom : Dynasty 5 : Menkauhor
Bik-nub-hedj "The Golden and Silver falcon" Praenomen: Menkauhor "The Ka's of Horus remain" , or "Eternal are the Souls of Re" Nomen: Ikauhor, Kaiu, Hor-ikaw "Re has Appeared" Manetho: Mencheres, Menkeris : King Lists: Menkahor : Alternate Names: Menkawhor, Menkaouhor
Djedkare Isesi - Ancient Egypt Online
Djedkare (“the soul of Re endureth”) Isesi ruled ancient Egypt during the fifth dynasty (Old Kingdom). He may have been the son of his predecessor Menkauhor, but there is no positive evidence of this, and it is also proposed by some that he was the son of Niuserre.
King Senefru - UCL
First king of the Fourth Dynasty (about 2600-2450). Famous as the first king for whom a true pyramid was constructed as burial place. The cult of king Sneferu flourished in the Middle Kingdom, and in that period many people were named after the king: the Middle Egyptian literary composition known as the Prophecy of Neferty is set in his reign.
King Djedkare - UCL
Golden Falcon name: Bik-nub-djed Prenomen: Djedkare Nomen: Isesi: Burial place: Pyramid (called Nefer-Djed-ka-Re) in south Saqqara
Psamtek Wahibre (-690 - -610) - Genealogy - Geni.com
2005年11月26日 · His thrown name was Wah-ib-re, meaning "Constant is the Heart of Re" (Horus Name: Aib, Nebty Name: Neba, Bik-nub Name: Qenu). Some Egyptologists place the 26th Dynasty in to Third Intermediate Period of Egypt's history, while others place it in the Late Period.
Ancient Egypt - Tekeli
Egyptian culture was well established in the Nile valley by 5000 BC with Neolithic farming villages. The kingdom of Lower Egypt (the Delta) was united with his own kingdom of Upper Egypt by Menes c 3200 BC. The Old Kingdom reached its height c 2600 BC under the Fourth Dynasty kings who built the pyramids at Giza.
Ein Feldzug gegen die Schasu-Beduinen ist dokumentiert. Una´s Wesire sind namentlich belegt: Nefer-sechem-sechat, Inefret, Ihi und möglicherweise auch Ni-anch-ba, Achti-hotep und zum Ende seiner Herrschaft Kagemni. Die Pyramide von …