Bilav Information Services LLP
TRAKGM TRAKGM provides information on shareholders meetings like AGM, EGM, CGM and Postal Ballot with the meetings Agenda (Notice) well in advance so that investors can decide to vote in favour or against the various agenda of the meeting.
Bilav Information Services LLP
Bilav’s proven data sourcing, data collation and delivery systems are designed to enable the delivery of high-quality information to clients. Over the course of two decades, Bilav has distinguished itself by being open and flexible in the way it delivers its offerings to clients.
Bilav Information Services LLP
Manual processing of equity corporate actions is always prone to errors. To overcome various risk involved, Bilav has developed its proprietary equity corporate actions data feed to meet the end user requirement for equity corporate actions automation.
Equity Prices - Bilav Information Services LLP
Bilav offers end-of-day equity pricing service providing pricing data for Bombay, National and MCX stock exchanges. Data elements include open, high, low, close, traded volume & value, number of transactions…
Bilav Information Services LLP
In a world where information technology plays a catalytic role in storing and processing information, you require a Ready Reckoner, a Reliable Repository to keep you abreast with the events of securities listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange …
Maintenance - Bilav Information Services LLP
The system is down due to maintenance of database from time: 22:00:00 till time: 07:00:00. Please login after 0 hour(s), 11 minute(s) and 48 second(s).
Fixed Income Prices - Bilav Information Services LLP
Bilav offers end-of-day Bond pricing service providing pricing data for different pricing source of Bombay stock exchange, National stock exchange, FIMMDA and Reserve Bank of India’s negotiated dealing system.
Bilav Information Services LLP
Bilav offers end-of-day Bond pricing service providing pricing data for different pricing source of Bombay stock exchange, National stock exchange, FIMMDA and Reserve Bank of India’s negotiated dealing system.
Bilav Information Services LLP
With such a large number of bonds issued in India tracking of corporate actions can be a challenging task. But with Bilav’s fixed income corporate actions data services covering such high number of corporate actions transactions will be a piece of cake.
Corporate Actions - Bilav Information Services LLP
To overcome various risk involved, Bilav has developed its proprietary equity corporate actions data feed to meet the end user requirement for equity corporate actions automation. Equity corporate actions automation is the key risk management tool and can help customers save both time and money in accessing and analysing the equity corporate ...