The Landlady (short story) - Wikipedia
Billy Weaver is a seventeen-year-old youth who has travelled by train from London to Bath to start a new job. Looking for lodgings, he comes across a boarding-house and feels strangely compelled by its sign saying "Bed and Breakfast". Through the window, he notices a parrot in a cage and a sleeping dachshund on the floor, which he finds comforting.
Billy Weaver Character Analysis in The Landlady - LitCharts
Billy Weaver, the story’s protagonist, is an enthusiastic and innocent seventeen-year-old boy. When Billy arrives in the city of Bath—keen to make his way in the business world—his first task is to find lodgings for the night. He happens upon a charming Bed and Breakfast, and is welcomed inside by the friendly landlady there. Feeling very ...
Billy Weaver Character Analysis in The Landlady - SparkNotes
Billy Weaver, the story’s young protagonist, is a polite and practical English man. Ironically, it is these otherwise innocent and admirable personality traits that land him in the clutches of a murderous landlady.
The Landlady: Character List - SparkNotes
Billy Weaver. A seventeen-year-old young man and the protagonist. Billy is a handsome and naïve upstart in his company. He comes to Bath on business and stays at a local bed and breakfast. Read an in-depth analysis of Billy. The Landlady. A middle-aged woman who runs a bed and breakfast in Bath.
Analysis, Summary and Themes of "The Landlady" by Roald Dahl
2019年12月19日 · Billy Weaver arrives in Bath by the London train at 9 p.m. It's cold with some wind. He asks the porter if there's a fairly cheap hotel nearby. He's directed to The Bell and Dragon about a quarter mile down the road. It's Billy's first time in Bath.
The Landlady Summary & Analysis - LitCharts
When Billy Weaver steps off the train—which he has taken from London to Bath—it is nighttime and the weather is harsh: “The air was deadly cold and the wind was like a flat blade of ice on his cheeks.” Billy doesn’t know anybody in Bath so he asks the …
The Landlady Character Analysis - LitCharts
Billy Weaver, the story’s protagonist, is an enthusiastic and innocent seventeen-year-old boy. When Billy arrives in the city of Bath—keen to make his way in the business world—his first task is to find lodgings for… read analysis of Billy Weaver
"The Landlady" and Other Short Stories - GradeSaver
In "The Landlady," Billy Weaver is an ambitious young businessman who takes a job in Bath. When he arrives in Bath, he is told by a porter that he should stay at the Bell and Dragon pub. But, when he passes by a boarding house, he looks inside and finds a pleasant and comfortable interior among the decaying houses that surround it.
The Landlady Characters - eNotes.com
Billy Weaver, the seventeen-year-old protagonist of the story, arrives in the city of Bath with an eager sense of adventure. As a new visitor, he has no familiarity with the town and thus...
Characterization of Billy Weaver | The Landlady - Prime Study …
Billy Weaver is the main character in the short story “The Landlady” by Roald Dahl. He is 17 years old. He lives in London, and he has a sister. He is most likely recently hired. At the beginning of the story, he travels by train to Bath, for work-related purposes, as he is told to find accommodations then report to the Branch Manager.