Epidural spinal cord compression scale - Radiopaedia.org
2024年5月3日 · The epidural spinal cord compression (ESCC) scale, sometimes known eponymously as the Bilsky scale, is used to assess the degree to which vertebral body metastasis compromises the spinal canal and whether cord compression is present. It may serve as a guide as to when intervention (radiotherapy or surgery) is helpful.
Reliability analysis of the epidural spinal cord compression scale
The ESCC scale provides a valid and reliable instrument that may be used to describe the degree of ESCC based on T2-weighted MR images. This scale accounts for recent advances in the treatment of spinal metastases and may be used to provide an ESCC classification scheme for multicenter clinical tria …
Bilsky's Epidural Spinal Cord Compression (ESCC) grading system …
Introduction The new concept of separation surgery has changed the surgical paradigms for the treatment of metastatic epidural spinal cord compression (MESCC), shifting from aggressive...
脊柱肿瘤WBB分期、手术7分类、6点ESCC分级 - MedSci
脊柱肿瘤wbb分期、手术7分类、6点escc分级 脊柱肿瘤的WBB分期 1) 在脊椎横断面上依顺时针方向呈幅射状分为12个区,其中4-9区为前部结构,1-3区和10-12区为后部结构;
Bilsky classification of metastatic epidural spinal cord …
The DL model showed high kappa of 0.872 for normal, low and high-grade ESCC (trichotomous), which was superior compared to a body radiologist (R4, κ = 0.667) and all four trainee spine surgeons...
Grading of epidural spinal cord compression (ESCC ... - ResearchGate
The classification is adapted from the Bilsky ESCC grading scheme: low-grade is defined as epidural disease with no contact with the spinal cord, and high-grade is defined as contact or...
Fig. 20.6, [Epidural spinal cord compression (ESCC)...]. - Diseases of ...
Epidural spinal cord compression (ESCC) scale (Bilsky score) used to describe metastatic tumor extension from the vertebral body into the spinal canal and to assess the degree of spinal cord compromise.
硬膜外脊髄圧縮(ESCC)スケールに基づく転移性脊髄腫瘍の外科 …
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to determine the outcome of surgical treatment in patients with ESCC using the Bilsky six-point scale. STUDY DESIGN/SETTING: This was a retrospective cohort review of prospectively collected data.
The surgical management of metastatic spinal tumors based …
2015年8月1日 · Bilsky et al. [2] have validated an Epidural Spinal Cord Compression (ESCC) grading system with the T2-weighted magnetic resonance images as being the most reliable for both interrater and intrarater reliability.
Spinal cord compression scale - AO Foundation Surgery Reference
Determination of the degree of spinal cord compression is facilitated by the epidural spinal cord compression (ESCC) score. ESCC score ranges from 0-3. Patients with low grade ESCC scores (0 and 1) have bone only disease or mild epidural …