Bing Kong Tong - Wikipedia
The Bing Kong Tong (Chinese: 秉公堂; Jyutping: bing2 gung1 tong4; pinyin: Bǐnggōng Táng) was one of the most powerful Tongs in San Francisco's Chinatown during the early 20th century. Since most immigrants from China to the United States during the 19th century were from the province of Guangdong , Chinatowns founded at that time used ...
Bing Kong Tong Building - California Preservation Foundation
The Bing Kong Tong represents a significant example of Chinese American architecture, as well as a tangible connection to the cultural heritage of Isleton. Erected in 1926, this tong, or meeting hall, was a community center organized under a benevolent society.
秉公堂 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
秉公堂 又称为 美洲秉公总堂,是 旧金山华埠 五大侨团之一(旧称五大堂口)。 秉公堂会员众多,分堂遍布美国各州,会员没有限制,华人皆可参加。 且带有一定政治色彩。 秉公堂前身成立于1874年(清朝 同治 十三年6月15日)。 太平洋铁路 完工之后,组织初具雏形。 当时 洪门致公堂 大佬罗煜、温增大、江遇、伍英、黄齐、陈煖、陈钿、许恩庆等十四人脱离致公堂,另立"督公堂"。 因深受外界排挤,而改名为秉公堂。 两堂同根同源,因此皆供奉洪门历代先烈义伯宗亲神 …
King Kong - Wikipedia
King Kong, also referred to simply as Kong, is a fictional giant gorilla or gorilla-like ape monster who has appeared in various media since 1933.
Bing Kong Tong Association Organization - en.ccbala.org
We promote peace, security, environmental protection and sustainability for local communities both in the Los Angeles region and, indeed, around the world. Bing Kong Tong had assisted Sun Yat-Sen’s revolutionary cause.
羅省秉公堂 會館團體 - ccbala.org
Bing Kong Tong Association of Los Angeles is one of the frst Chinese American organizations founded in America and continues to serve the public by upholding justice, respect, freedom, democracy and human kindness.
金刚(英文名King Kong,也被简称为Kong)是影史最著名的怪兽形象之一 [7],自1933年起曾多次被搬上大荧幕,其形象早已深入人心。 金刚是一只虚构的巨型生物,外形类似于大猩猩,第一次登场于1933年RKO影业的小说改编电影《金刚》 [1] 中,由梅里安·c·库珀 [2] (角色的创造者)和欧内斯特·b·舍德萨克联合执导,于1933年3月2日上映;尽管该片在大萧条时期上映,但仍取得了票房上的成功。 威利斯·h·奥布莱恩 [3] (Willis H. O'Brien)在这部电影中对定格拍摄效果的创新彻底 …
Bing Kong Tong Society building, Isleton - Komoot
2016年11月29日 · Known as the Bing Kong Tong Society (or Bing Kung Association in Seattle, Washington), the organization was one of the largest in California when the Hop Sing and Suey Sing Tongs allied against the Bing Kongs, instigating one of the most violent of the Tong wars in the United States.
Transitions: Saved—Bing Kong Tong - National Trust for Historic ...
2016年3月3日 · Originally a Cantonese language school and meeting hall, the 1926 Bing Kong Tong building in Isleton, California, fell out of use in the 1970s after the town’s Chinese population dwindled. The Isleton Brannan-Andrus Historical Society acquired the derelict property in 1994 and devised a three-phase plan to preserve it as a museum.
Fresno's Bing Kong Tong Association Building - ChinatownFresno
The Bing Kong Tong Building is characterized by Chinese architecture which can be seen in the decorative plywood signage and ornamental ironwork on the balcony and facade. This building is a great example of Chinese association buildings which were found in Chinatowns throughout California in the late 19th and early 20th century.